EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1235

Galina, up or down????
yuku писал(а) >>

Every day there are such contests and the prize is not 10000 rubles but 200 quid and 5 prizes,,,, I'm killing my desire to trade megalots there gyyy

I read about the bonuses on their site, somehow too sweet... or is it?

ChachaGames >>:

почитал у них на главной про бонусы, че-то как-то слишком сладко... или правда?

They seem to have an account to open:)))

ChachaGames >>:

почитал у них на главной про бонусы, че-то как-то слишком сладко... или правда?

You can't withdraw money from them as far as I understand. I wrote above there is a monthly prize of 2500 quid and there are 10 prize places

ChachaGames >>:

почитал у них на главной про бонусы, че-то как-то слишком сладко... или правда?

This office is an outright scam. They don't even hide it and are openly laughing at the public.

I mean, it's not even my personal opinion, you can find confirmation on their website.

DO NOT go there.

I've won there twice.

I won once for a week and once for a month.

You have to bring us the money first,

Then, if you don't sell, we'll pay you back everything and with bonuses :)))

basile писал(а) >>
Galina, up or down????

I'm up !

At 1.3780.

Galina >>:

НЕ НАДО туда ходить.

Я там Два раза выигрывала.

На недельном один раз и на месячном.


ПОТОМ ПОТОРГУЙТЕ мол, а потом, если несольете, то мы вам все вернем и с бонусами :)))

galina - what about this competition?

zznobzz писал(а) >>

galina - what about this competition?

I don't know...

Al... they seem like a nice company.

but i didn't enter it.

I was just trying to warm up or something...

I'm just trying my system out, seeing what's what, what's wrong with it.

And when you have extra excitement in a contest, it's interesting :)

odiseif писал(а) >>

what did you mean by that?

I meant that it was not written in Russian. It's hard to understand a letter like that. Okay, forget it.

Evra still won't give up?