EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1163


I want to say right away that I can't determine everything precisely within a day...

The system gives out too much error.

But it seems that movements on the Eu should go like this in the near future.

Closing of the week above 1.3612.
Next week an attempt of downward movement, again this level of 1,3470 appears in the calculations, but this time the margin of error is reduced to a minimum.

It happens very rarely, especially on the global reversals of the markets.

In the end, it just means that at the beginning of next week, there will be an attempt to take the eu down

And the number 1.3470 will not be touched !!!!.

After that, a sharp upside exit !!!!!.

This is all based on today's data.

Galina >>:

Да ну ... ДА !

Ребята, еврик ниже 1,3470 пойдет только после того как побывает выше 1,46. (точные циферки сказать не могу пока еще...)


So you went to the eaud for nothing?

Galina >>:

Сразу хочу сказать, я внутри дня не могу все точно опредилять...

Слишком уж большие погрешности выдает система.

Но похоже что движения как то так на евре в ближайшее время должны пройти.

Закрытие недели выше 1,3612.
На следующей недели попытка движения вниз, опять этот уровент 1,3470 вырисовывается в расчетах, но на этот раз погрешность сьужена до минимума.

Такое бывае крайне редко, именно на глобальных разворотах рынков.

В итоге означает, только то, что будет в начале следующей недели попытка увести евру вниз

И при этом цифру 1,3470 касаться не будем !!!!

После этого резкий выход цены наверх !!!!!

Это все исходя из сегодняшних данных.

No one can pinpoint that, but a close below 1.35 looks good to me.
Noterday писал(а) >>

Greetings) Had a rest, and little by little wrote my advisor :)

>> I'm getting to know how to get along with an EA on what strategy I'm using.


RekkeR писал(а) >>

So you went to the eaud for nothing?

Why is that ??????????????????????????

I'm in both euRD and euRAD.


Elliot waves + MACD

The progress so far is not impressive :( I'm doing better with my hands...

But automation is necessary, as my psychology (which I am desperately struggling with) cannot stand...

cr0ss писал(а) >>

The answer is simple - psychology! I lost a deposit in December because of it :) but I made a lot of conclusions, for this expensive price! so it's all about the human factor ...


Galina - the Eurobucks is about to go down in a one-minute candlestick by 500 pips.)

If you want to be a professional in a game of chance, don't gamble with your own money. Learn until you can earn some for free and then untwist it.I dont have my money in forex either. it was earned in poker, a small amount was thrown and untwisted. so if i lose everything i dont give a damn. its a pity for the time and lost hope that melts with every rubbish like this.

strangerr писал(а) >>

No one can pinpoint that, but a close below 1.35 looks good to me.


Nu... Nu....

You've got convergence there, ASH ON the daily chart is working out !!!!

Only a blind man wouldn't notice that !!!

And you're closing at 1.35.

Honestly... word...

Galina >>:

How about this?