EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1118

We haven't worked that 170 yet, so we're waiting... there's only been a triangle break recently...
vic2008 >>:

Ооо... Американцы подводят итоги торгов и цели на завтрашнюю сессию дают...


След. сопротивление


Первое сопротивление


Первая поддержка


След. поддержка


Внутридневные стоп-приказы размещаются на технической точке стоп-разворот, которая находится между первой поддержкой и первым сопротивлением.

Пара евро/доллар США: Стоп-приказы по внутридневным сделкам следует размещать на уровне 1,3527

1.3488, so sell orders have been called back higher. That's where we'll go.
Now I see why the 10-30 starts to rise...
AK_ >>:

В 3 часа ночи с уровня 1,3545 евра пошла вниз точно по прогнозу. Что тебе еще надо ?

Statistics of more than 50% correct predictions, rather than picking out individual true predictions and waving them around like a flag.

We should be sensible rather than believing fervently, sincerely and unconditionally.


My prediction at 3:00 from the level of 1.3541 was justified, what's the big deal...There are blunders - you can't see everything by price, there is no such thing with time because it's easier to predict it, it's linear.


At 6:00, we're only going down - flat in a converging triangle...

another 40 pts down... then we'll go back up...

forte928 >>:

в 6-00 только вниз рванем - флет в сходящемся треугольнике..

еще 40 п вниз..потом вврех будем двигаться..

I'd say it's a thankless task to chase after the price.

It doesn't do any good.

There is a main trend downwards and it must be adhered to.

That's the truth.

NikT_58 писал(а) >>

I'd say it's a thankless task to chase after the price.

It doesn't do any good.

There is a main trend downwards and it must be adhered to.

That's the truth.

But if you know where the price goes, you may try to determine the reversal of the price by mathematical methods of the trendline, in the CCI two waves are distinguished and the three is a reversal wave.

forte928 >>:

Мой прогноз в 3-00 с уровня 1.3541 он полностью оправдался, что тут такого..Ды бывают промахи - не все можешь усмотреть по цене, по времени такого нет потому что его легше прогнозировать оно линейно..

Zhenya, honestly, even if you have a good system, you're still going to fail. You know why?

The risks. "Completely vindicated" and "occasional lapses" are not reliable. And you work with unreliable statistics, sooner or later you exceed the risks. No, not like that, you start to systematically exceed the risks.

This is "fully recovered" and 100% successful forecasts for these months should have already lifted you to the sky, to financial Olympus. But it hasn't.

And it won't be until you do your forecasts reliably, and I believe they are working and are very good.

As long as you keep fooling yourself, you'll be playing roulette, you'll be very high up, very low down.

forte928 >>:

Согласен..порою сложно за ценной точно усмотреть, не все факторы можно точно усмотреть и что-то упустить..но если в принципе знаешь куда идет цена то в точке куда она подходит можно постараться определить разворот математических методом трендовой линии, там как раз на CCI выделяются две волны и треться как раз и является разворотной волной..

Personally, I am interested in how much percentage of the deposit I took.

And I will not write against the wind.

I will not put a buy unless there is a reason for it.

I have been there, I know it.