EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1107

Another 20 points
fasklo >>:

фОРТЕ Ваши слова да богу в ушки.Все так все правильно чертите.Даже думаю немного выше подняться может-но я не имею желания так точно стрщить =лень =если постояно это делать пальчики устанут.Мне нравится когда весело дружно взяли и подняли или опустили а куда дотянем потихоньку

I just did an estimate - 1.3639
Galina >>:

Форте НЕ пойдет еврик вниз

Или моя великая формула мультивалютного арбитража и гроша ломаного не стоит !

А она меня еще не разу не подвела !!

И в этот раз не подведет !!!

Galina, how quickly you got home)

We missed you already)

strangerr писал(а) >>

I just got an estimate - 1.3639

Exactly right. 261.8% of the first wave is exactly there

And the pound went
tomas911 писал(а) >>

Galina, how quickly you got home.)

On her earnings, she's been getting home by plane for a long time ;-)

>> and the pound's gone.

As soon as 5475 hits, it must have gone.
I see two levels of 55 and 80.
Galina >>:

Форте НЕ пойдет еврик вниз

Или моя великая формула мультивалютного арбитража и гроша ломаного не стоит !

А она меня еще не разу не подвела !!

И в этот раз не подведет !!!

Galina, with all due respect, arguing with forte's forecasts is like going against the wind... but you wouldn't understand it... because of your physiology :)))


ChachaGames писал(а) >>

Galina, with all due respect, arguing with forte's forecasts is like going against the wind... but you wouldn't understand that... because of your physiology :)))

Why so rude ? !!!

You're so fucking... That's not nice.

And another thing !

I just love Forte !

He's got great forecasts, I look forward to them every day !!!

He's good !

It's just that he trades intraday and I can't do that.

And you can't be right every time, that's what stops were invented for.

Forte has almost 90% hits here !!!