EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1062


Strangerr - you clearly believe that there cannot be a global trend reversal

That's why you try to fit even preconditions which are not similar to your opinion.

We'll see - but something tells me the market will decide on the move this week - and over 51%

indicates that a trend reversal in this pair is just around the corner if not already ....

Some excerpts about the US statistics (I've already said a few times about the falsification)

The media headlines are full of good news: GDP grew 5.7 percent in the fourth quarter;

retail sales rose in January; labour productivity increased by the end of the year;

Much of the rest of the GDP growth is due to accumulation of inventories.

As for the rise in retail sales in January, more than a quarter of that growth was due to higher gasoline and food prices

Productivity rose for the simple reason that labour costs fell 4.4 per cent in the fourth quarter, the fourth consecutive fall.

The strengthening of the dollar has nothing to do with its domestic strength.

Low interest rates in America make it profitable for investors and stockbrokers to borrow dollars and use them to buy foreign securities

securities with higher rates.

Deficit problems in those countries are forcing investors and stockbrokers to sell securities and exchange euros back into dollars to pay off dollar loans.

This closing of positions temporarily increases the demand for dollars and raises their exchange value.

In 36.4 minutes, the quid will go up. That was a joke, erase my message, noooooooooooooooooooo
Can I join you on the Eurobucks forecasts ?

now by

1.3637 gap about 25 pips up

Oper >>:
А можно к вам присоединиться по поводу прогнозов по Евробаксу ?

OlegTs >>:

сейчас по

1.3637 геп примерно 25 пунктов вверх

As I wrote about yesterday, another confirmation of the reversal.

what kind of reversal is it and it is an upward move only already 44 pips hep

oPen 3593 now 3637 max 3647

It's not about whether or not there will be a reversal, it's about whether or not March will be 1.33.

Well there is not much time left till March and if in a week it will be 1.41 then in March we are unlikely to see 1.33

and we won't see 1 april at all in the release :)


any tips on what happens to orders with such a big gap

for example on the order is take price 1.3000 and opened the day at 1.3040 price close price of the day was 1.2900