EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1058

Here's some very interesting info about the quid _ Will we make it to 1.3220 :)
Byrber >>:
Вот тут Очень интересная инфа про бакс _ Дойдём ли до 1.3220 :)

I believe the news as much as I believe that there are green men living on Mars.))

Correction to the link from Byrber's post

usdcad forecast

Does this mean that the price will return to 1.0805 or is this forecast from October 4, 2009 ?

baltik >>:

Поправка на ссылку из поста Byrber

прогноз по usdcad

Это значит что цена вернется к отметке 1,0805 или этот прогноз от 4 октября 2009 года ?

If this is a prediction, I think it's for the future.))

Eurozone member states will provide 20-25 billion euros in loans and guarantees to Greece, which is going through a financial crisis . The amount paid by each country will be proportional to its share in the capital of the European Central Bank. This was reported by the magazine Spiegel, citing a source at the German finance ministry.

That's it!

Fraktal >>:

Страны-члены еврозоны окажут переживающей финансовый кризис Греции помощь в размере 20-25 миллиардов евро в виде кредитов и гарантий. Объем средств, выплачиваемых каждым государством, будет при этом пропорционален их доле в капитале Европейского Центрального банка. Об этом сообщил журнал "Шпигель" со ссылкой на источник в министерстве финансов ФРГ.

Вот так!

Where are they going to go? If they want the Jewish Union to continue to exist, they will pay.
strangerr писал(а) >>

If you want to see more profitability you have to be a maniac, in a good sense of the word, like Forte))).

You should not be a maniac, but an analyst - decisions should always be left to a man, and the machine should give complete information without stress for a man - that is the question of finding features and shifting all routine work to the machine - I have achieved that on any TF is fully allocated trends from maximum movement to minimum, there is also the question of how to display fibo from higher to lower that would not be cluttering the graph, and a small rearrangement in a possible development of the situation the machine is certainly not see... More channels to fully train the machine

forte928 >>:

Нужно быть не маньяком, а аналитиком - решения всегда должно оставаться за человком, а машина должна давать полную информацию без напряга для человека - в этом то и состоит вопрос найти особености и переложить всю рутинную работу на аппарат - Я добился того что на любом ТФ выделяется полностью тренды от максимума движения к минимуму, еще состоит вопрос как отображать фибо со старших до младших что бы не было загромождение графика, а мелкие перепостроения при возможном развитии ситуации машина естественно не увидит..Еще бы каналы полностью научить машину видеть вот тогда можно было бы говорить о частичной автоматизации.

I was joking about the maniac, what do you think of a price move to the 1.32 area?
strangerr писал(а) >>

Where are they going to go? If they want the Jewish union to continue to exist, they will pay.

The European Union has already paid the price for the too high rate of the euro and now continues to reap the lessons of a strong euro, it seems more than six months ago many wrote about the collapse of the dollar, yes no doubt in time it may lead to the loss of the stability that exists now, if the US policy continues as it is now, but two or three years is not to worry, if the issue of Iran is delayed for a long time, and those wars that they are currently waging would be wiser to end, but it is not our decision. And any strong currency in its ultimate goal leads to the fact that the economy of the country can no longer keep it at the appropriate level, for example, Japan has always sought parity with the dollar at 100 yen, or the Swiss franc - the discount rate was at a level that would allow its producers in a good sense to compete with similar industries in other countries.