EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1041

Galina писал(а) >>

The second line of business is Multicurrency arbitrage, where, yes, I trade hands.

But in both cases it's just regular math and it has nothing to do with market forecasting.

And this thread is discussing price forecasts.

That's the way I cannot trade on short intervals, only on the long term.

I don't know. Judging by your posts it doesn't smell long-term trading, since you open and close positions within a day.

chepikds >>:

почему?! они ведь делают свои действия в ответ на наши действия ))) т.е мы задаём тон, а они подтанцовывают в угоду себе))). Рычаги у них, согласен, но всё взаимосвязано…

PS. что бы они без нас делали??))))

not without "us", but without "our money" - "there is a demand, there is a supply"
Galina >>:

Ребята !!!!

Ну зачем вы так :))) ???

Я же просто не могу торговать внутри дня, мне это всегда только маржин колы приносило !

Сначало ты в плюсе потом может еще раз в плюсе...

А потом как обычно.... или замок на счете не в ту сторону разрулишь, или позу не в том месте увеличишь, или просто закроеш все потому что страшно стало.

Слишком много имоций.

Я на самом деле выкладываю здесь то что делаю со своим счетом.

И я уже достаточно долго зарабатываю реальные деньги таким методом.

И при этом я никого не убеждаю делать все так же.

Каждый торгует как умеет.

У меня так получается гораздо лутше вот и все.


Of course you're not, the forum is independent)))... try giving only long-term forecasts, once a week or even better once a month, because it's a mess... every day there's a new forecast...
ChachaGames писал(а) >>

Don't you have a margin call on the euro yet??? Just everything is down and down and you say you buy every time at the level you expect below, maybe it was easier to aim at those levels as profitable???

I already wrote that on the Eura my pose would live to 1.3300 or so.

Below it seems that I will not take it, there Uncle Kolya will be waiting for me.

Well it's not terrible, I'm basically ready for such a turn.

And about "aiming at these levels as profitable" - probably, yes, but not for me.

For me these movements are too small, they exhaust my nerves and are useless.

It's just not my thing to trade on 4 o'clock.

yuku >>:

не без "нас",,, а без "наших денег" - "есть спрос есть предложение"

There is no our money, there is American money, European money, etc.))
chepikds >>:

да нет наших денег, есть деньги американские, европейские и т.д..)))

Are your deposits in roubles?


It is worth paying attention to the opening movements of the US market. Yesterday the news was after the close, should start to work through the stock market.

Perhaps gold and assets will sell more.

Stranqerr-I will not argue with you. If it helps you to trade profitably, I am happy for you.
Galina >>:

Я уже писала, что по Евре моя поза доживет до 1,3300 примерно.

Ниже похоже я невытину ее, там уже Дядя коля меня ждать будет.

Ну это не страшно, я в принципе готова к такому повороту.

А по поводу "целится в эти уровни как профитные ?", возможно, да, но не мне.

Для меня эти движения слишком малы, только нервы все измотаешь и толку никакого.

Ну, просто не мое это, торговать на 4-х часовиках.

Galina save the money you still have on the depo,,,,, stand in the lock for 2 months, close them,,,,,,, here it is not news but psychology that works already

Financial difficulties may result in the collapse of the EU
European countries have become hostages of the Greek government's irresponsible financial policy. This was announced by the Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius, who offered Athens to voluntarily leave the Eurozone. In addition to Greece, the Lithuanian prime minister suggested kicking other "problematic" countries out of the European Union, namely Spain, Portugal and Italy. In February the euro exchange rate fell to its lowest point for the last nine months, writes IA Crisis. This was a reaction of currency exchanges to the refusal of the EU countries to give money to Greece, which at the moment is on the verge of default.

Today most of the states of EU are in quite a difficult financial state, and strengthening of the Euro in the near future will be quite difficult.

As stated by Prime Minister Kubilius, giving money to Greece is out of the question under any circumstances.

Recall that earlier EU President Herman Van Rompuy offered to provide Greece with the necessary financial assistance, which was on the brink of a severe budget crisis.

Greece ended 2009 with a debt of 300 billion euros, which caused serious concern in the EU.