EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1036

Here you go guys, all the most important news for the current day in numbers and by pair.

Despite China's repeated protests, US President Barack Obama met with the Dalai Lama in Washington on 18 February. On the eve of the meeting, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu conveyed to the White House administration that "China strongly opposes the Dalai Lama's visit to the US and contacts with US leaders". "We call on the US to realize the particular sensitivity of issues related to Tibet and fulfill its commitment to recognizing it as part of China," ITAR-TASS quoted the Chinese diplomat as saying.

I'll throw in my five cents on the subject

This is a set of different indicators in one bottle, taken from the codebase.

Note the last line in green

Damiani is not a bad turkey. I agree.
baltik >>:

Вброшу свои 5 копеек на тему

Это набор разных индикаторов в одном флаконе взято с кодебазе

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Could go to 1.3570-75, but still a sell from there.
RIA-news is better, but it has to be paid. For now at least is a real time ticker. What is on TV today and in newspapers in a week might not be on TV tomorrow, but we need it now so that we can react tomorrow.
fasklo >>:
РИА -новости лучше,но платно.На первое время хотя бы бегущая строка в реальном времени .Что там сегодня в других местах завтра, по телику вообще может не пройти а в газетах через неделю.Но нам нужно сегодня нам нужно сейчас что-бы реагировать завтра.

I believe that the news only justifies the current movement of the currency, nothing more, just observe the news and the market's reaction to it to be sure. Example: if the market reacted to the news, then from the news about China and America, the dollar should have already fallen to the region of zero.)))
The USD is unlikely to go above 1.3540, a very strong level, but if it breaks it will go up to 1.3580 and then down and down.
fasklo >>:
Хотел у Вас спросить а Вы получаете новости в реальном времени или до Вас как до утки на седьмые сутки .Вчера эта встреча была.Просто такие новости либо платно получают либо надо искать упорно а не собирать всякую всячину которая ни какой роли почти не играет.И газеты надо читать экономические-правда дороговато стоят.Просто фундаменталка тяжеловата и в ней мало кто прет поэтому долговременых прогнозов здесь мало.В инете по ним почти никто не высказывается из серьезных фундаменталистов.Серьозной стоящей внимания инфы мало.

But it's obvious from the get-go that you first heard about the Dalai Lama yesterday. These disputes over the Dalai Lama have been around as long as I can remember and have never affected the purchase or sale of dollars by China.

And about water you are trying to imagine that we can sell drinking water in tanks to China (for example) and it is kind of a strategic advantage in the future.