EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1027

MaximuS60 >>:


Why? You must be loaded? )))))

clean as a teardrop
gip писал(а) >> Komsomolskaya Pravda :)))

Time will tell - Komsomolskaya Pravda or Komsomolskaya Lie....)))


It is good to take this into account but also not to be provoked, because history teaches us a lot, just look at the "Great Depression".

I have been convinced for years that the collapse of many "financial pyramid schemes" is inevitable, especially in recent times, although I imagined it a little differently, for a start let at least
Rockefellers or Rothschilds become a little poorer, or even bankrupt :)

The problem with the eurik will not collapse - there will be complications. Greece's problem dragged the euro down, it was promised that they will help (a skip up on the chart) and then it turned out that Portugal, Spain and Ireland have problems (a bounce back yesterday).It is a strong blow to the dollar (it is not confirmed, it is a piece of paper like the eurik). The dollar was in a better position compared to the euro, but it is the main blow.
LeoV >>:

Время покажет - Комсомольская правда или Комсомольская ложь....)))

The media of mass disinformation.