EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 909

fasklo >>:
У меня есть друг -экономист .Мы сним общаемся и видимся очень редко.Последний раз общались год назад.Он сказал будут 3 волны кризиса -2 самая сильная.Россия из кризиса выйдет сильной и другой страной.В это время произойдет борьба эконом. систем и долар перестанет быть мировой валютой-везде будет править евро.США выйдет из 10 богатых стран мира.1-будет Китай,Россия будет- 6,7 обгоняя Германию и Францию.Я тогда не поверил и не обратил внимания на его слова потому что сказаны они были в ресторане и под хмельком .Но что интересно он дал мне долгий прогноз по долару .Он сказал что долар к евро упадет до 1.5 к осени и дальше не пойдет а потом будет дорожать до 1.2 и может дойти до 1.12. К рублю долар может стать около 36,а евро дойти до 38-39 при этом бивалютная корзина не нарушается.Реальные подвижки к лету .Первая цифра сбылась посмотрим как сбудется вторая. По индикаторам вижу 1.8 не загорами -тренд вниз не слабый. Тогда я строил свои системы и почти всегда сливал,долгосрок с его прогнозом меня как-то держал на плаву .

On the hop, you say? A hop is a good thing. I have another example. A trader. A successful one. Says he has an IMHO. IMHO is this: you have to decide who you are, what kind of trader you are. If you are a fundamentalist (fundamental analysis), it is better to follow more or less insider information, reports of national banks, market makers, those who directly influence the market, rather than the analysis of Vasya Pupkin from "Valenki Dialog". The mass media is pouring in information for suckers like us. Remember - the U.S. national debt is 11 trillion, the budget deficit is 1.2 trillion, the dollar is worthless? Remember Soros shouted that everyone has come to grips with the American economy? Now he says, by the way, that the gold bubble is about to burst. Everybody drain the dollars - fast! If you're a techie, you're better off not reading analytics at all. You have a system, charts - follow the trend and don't let it mess with your mind.

Have a nice weekend everyone! I'm done. It's been a good week!
fasklo писал(а) >>
I have a friend who is an economist. We communicate and see each other very rarely. The last time we talked a year ago, he said there would be 3 waves of crisis-2 and the strongest. Russia will emerge from the crisis strong and another country.I did not believe him at the time and did not pay attention to his words because they were spoken in a restaurant and tipsy. But what's interesting, he gave me a long prediction about the dollar. He said that the dollar will fall to 1.In relation to the ruble the dollar may become closer to 36 and the euro may go up to 38-39, at the same time the bi-currency basket will not be broken. The first figure has come true and let's see how the second one will come true. From the indicators I see 1.8 soon, the trend is going down. Then I built my systems and almost always lost, the long term forecast kept me afloat.

In which echelon of power or in which banking system does your friend work? To give such predictions in advance, and all the more so that they come true. He is not the last person, or works in the last place. Still, where does he work?

Orest писал(а) >>

On the hop, you say? A hop is a good thing. I have another example. A trader. A successful one. Says he has an IMHO. IMHO is this: you have to decide who you are, what kind of trader you are. If you are a fundamentalist (fundamental analysis), it is better to follow more or less insider information, reports of national banks, market makers, those who directly influence the market, rather than the analysis of Vasya Pupkin from "Valenki Dialog". The mass media is pouring in information for suckers like us. Remember - the U.S. national debt is 11 trillion, the budget deficit is 1.2 trillion, the dollar is worthless? Remember Soros shouted that everyone has come to grips with the American economy? Now he says, by the way, that the gold bubble is about to burst. Everybody drain the dollars - fast! If you're a techie, you're better off not reading analytics at all. You have a system, charts - follow the trend and don't let it mess with your mind.

You are absolutely right. It's all about movement in this business. Strong, weak, but movement. There won't be a EURO UNION, there will be Germany. There will be other currencies. The worst thing is if there is a single currency in the world. Then yes. Although there are still stocks etc.

IMHO = There will be no single currency. :) Nobody wants that. Like, no one at all. :)
fasklo >>:
У меня есть друг -экономист .Мы сним общаемся и видимся очень редко.Последний раз общались год назад.Он сказал будут 3 волны кризиса -2 самая сильная.Россия из кризиса выйдет сильной и другой страной.В это время произойдет борьба эконом. систем и долар перестанет быть мировой валютой-везде будет править евро.США выйдет из 10 богатых стран мира.1-будет Китай,Россия будет- 6,7 обгоняя Германию и Францию.Я тогда не поверил и не обратил внимания на его слова потому что сказаны они были в ресторане и под хмельком .Но что интересно он дал мне долгий прогноз по долару .Он сказал что долар к евро упадет до 1.5 к осени и дальше не пойдет а потом будет дорожать до 1.2 и может дойти до 1.12. К рублю долар может стать около 36,а евро дойти до 38-39 при этом бивалютная корзина не нарушается.Реальные подвижки к лету .Первая цифра сбылась посмотрим как сбудется вторая. По индикаторам вижу 1.8 не загорами -тренд вниз не слабый. Тогда я строил свои системы и почти всегда сливал,долгосрок с его прогнозом меня как-то держал на плаву .

for the long term I completely agree - the dollar will die, and become the usual currency of a certain country - a matter of time .... the debt of the country is growing and will never decrease, it is a fact!!!! and what awaits it in the future.... the country will go into debt, for every $1 produced - $1.2 of debt (I am wrong, but definitely more than $1) how it can continue to be the 1st world currency???? a matter of time, no one says it will happen in a year or two, maybe five maybe 10..... but this opinion has a right to exist!

Why is the forum down?
Where are we going this week?
I don't think we can count on a serious correction yet. They will try to go even lower, hang around
Yes, still a gap down, so should finish, although there are always surprises as the trend reaches its most likely target from where it can start a deep correction.