EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 701


So people have been silenced, everyone knows about it... I'm not going to survive the closure of this thread.

Helex >> :

So people have been silenced, everyone knows about it... I'm not gonna survive the closure of this thread.

Don't worry! We'll start a new thread if you need it :))

>> and the price is going to a daily low again... Anybody see if the speedy-eyes are doing a warm-up jump up?

because i got 1.5021 as a pivot point to ~1.4975...

Looks like we're going up pretty good :)
It's about now for sure.
OlegTs >> :

"This is not a catastrophe, this is its prelude".

Mikhail Leontev
A TV journalist

The rouble started trading on Friday, November 27, with a steep drop, falling more than 70 kopecks against the dollar. Everything was against it: falling oil, plummeting stock indices and the strengthening of the US currency on the world market. The fear that Dubai might go into a major default has had a domino effect, and one of the falling bones has been the Russian currency, according to Interfax. Generally, the Dubai government's announcement of problems with Dubai World, the largest public fund, stunned investors. Experts cannot yet account for all consequences of this possible decision, and panic reigns in the world markets.

About what is actually happening to the Dubai World fund, why its possible bankruptcy is causing such panic around the world, as well as what awaits the global economy in the future, in an exclusive comment for KM.RU discusses famous television journalist Michael Leontiev:

- In fact these investment funds, huge, state, sovereign at the moment instead of American investment banks are the main donors of the so-called "economic recovery. And when they run risks and have problems, this is, of course, a completely adequate market reaction. How natural is this situation? That is, are these real problems so insurmountable with this fund, or is this situation provoked, as in my opinion was provoked all the same, allowed the fall of Lehman Brothers?

The patient is really very seriously ill.

That is, no one doubts that all American investment banks, including Lehman Brothers, are sick; no one doubts the problems, the real problems of investment funds, including the Dubai fund. But the question is, why now and how manually are these problems being brought out? They will come out anyway, you know, it's a largely random question, just like the answer to what I'm saying now.

To what extent is it a financial provocation? Because it is a provocation within the framework of trying to save a really sick person, that is all - within the treatment. The patient is really ill, very seriously ill. This is further proof that there is no fundamental way out of the crisis. And so far all the efforts of the financial community, the global and main regulator that is the United States, are not about surviving the wave of the crisis and recovering, but about somehow bringing down the first wave.

The point is that the first wave of this crisis, the first wave, will be so powerful that the second wave is unclear, who and how will fight it, and in general, who will see it in what condition. The first one did not happen, in fact, because with that pump (money), with a huge money canister they are trying to knock down the wave (water - with water).

Oil is not oil, it's papers.

As for the dollar. Once again I will repeat what I have said many times. The dollar is certainly a sick currency, and it is seriously ill. You can see that the whole situation keeps it afloat, but it is sick when the situation is calm. When the situation becomes critical, risky, everyone throws all sorts of speculative assets because all assets are speculative. Oil is not oil, it is papers, securities, stocks are not stocks either, they are not pieces of enterprises, not pieces of property, they are speculative paper.

To a lesser extent, gold is such paper, so the further the gold will be, proving its special nature, out of the general series of these derivatives, pseudo-values. But the most real liquid value is American money, which is the only money in the world, because this system is American. Whether it is sick or healthy, there are no other financial systems, no real alternatives to it. There is no alternative to it at the moment, not the yen, not the pound, not the euro.

The regulator is American, the global system is American, and roughly speaking, the bosses are in Washington. And so the moment you have hordes, so to speak, of Saracens attacking a fortress, everyone hides in the castle. Regardless of whether that castle is good, whether it is habitable, whether it is rotten, whether that castle will last long or whether the roof will fall down... That is the moment when everybody rushes into the castle. As long as this particular global model is alive, a sick, injured dollar is still better than anything else within this model. And there is nothing beyond this model yet, because it is global, no one dares to build an alternative to it yet. That's what it's all about.

So everything goes according to notes, roughly speaking. So the operetta is performed strictly the way it's written, but it's known. This is not the second wave, this is not a catastrophe, this is its prelude, the signs. Signs, because those volumes of liquidity that have been pumped into the market, they will keep the whole thing afloat for now. For now. The question is, once again, from half a year to a year and a half. That is roughly how it is forecasted because there are a lot of random circumstances. That is all. This is why I think that the market's reaction is not just adequate, I would say it is even milder. Although, we'll see what follows.

Source: KMnews

This "man" would only be believed by a grandmother in a vegetable garden when she is digging potatoes.

NikT_58 >> :

This "man" would only be believed by a grandmother in a vegetable garden when she's digging potatoes.

In wartime, panickers are shot on sight :)

NikT_58 >> :

This "man" would only be believed by a grandmother in a vegetable garden when she's digging potatoes.

agree)))))))) half the world is already looking at USD like a green candy wrapper......

basile >> :

agree)))))))) half the world already looks at the dollar as a green candy wrapper......

I will gladly accept all such useless dollars for you.

basile >> :

I agree)))))))) half the world already looks at the dollar as a green candy wrapper......

The dollar is not a piece of paper, it is a serious and widely respected currency.

Just all in good time.

(Sickening) Paper wrapper paper wrapper .....The whole world is standing on this paper and they are a paper wrapper, although they probably wouldn't mind having a couple of million of these wrappers themselves :))))