EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 442

Sorento писал(а) >>

When? forte928 wrote >>


I attached the drawing two pages ago with the two forecast trends, and the trend line relative to which it was supposed to bounce can be seen in the drawing of the channel with the comments for Galina...

forte928 >> :

I attached the drawing two pages ago with the two forecast trends, and the trend line from which it was supposed to bounce can be seen in the drawing of the channel with the comments for Galina.

go to your link.

When? forte928 wrote >>


Didn't see any lines.


Helex писал(а) >>

)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) News Seekers )))))))))))))))))))))))) Neuroba pushed and pushed and pushed and it went up in smoke!

:( What fun!!!

You can't ask anymore....

I was wondering what happened.

Helex писал(а) >>

)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) News Seekers )))))))))))))))))))))))) Neuroba pushed and squatted and pushed and the smoke went up

Do you think that news has no effect on the movement of pairs?

I don't see a move down yet I'm going up
Alexan писал(а) >>

Do you think that news has no impact on the movement of pairs?

Yes, they do, but you cannot know all the news beforehand, like last year with hijacking of tanker and oil price.)

Galina писал(а) >>

I think we'll go down the blue channel....

And it's quite possible that with acceleration, we may even break the line down.

Looks like the eu is going to 1.45.

Don't hurry up

a little more salting
forte928 писал(а) >>
I'm already closed and waiting for a move down...Plus is very good...well very...

>> congratulations!

SEVER11 >> :

Don't rush

But in the drawing, what to look at?

Explain the fire.