EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 218

gip писал(а) >>

In principle, it's not a bad idea. Although wrong, it should work. But you have to have the courage to admit your mistakes and the real problems with this methodology.

You should be able to see mistakes to start with, so that you can admit them later))

Can an order work on a candlestick if the high of the candlestick is 3 pips less than the opening price of the order?
bivus >> :

Mistakes must first be seen to be acknowledged))

You just have to look not only at the figures, but also at what other indicators are showing at the same time.

gip писал(а) >>
Forte's fogging it up again. The man doesn't want to share, he insinuates that he has to give. Just another grail seller pushing his advertisement in a veiled way.

Who told you I was advertising?

strangerr >> :

You just have to look not only at the figures, but also at what other indicators are showing at the same time.

That's not possible, it's making future time builds.
dentraf писал(а) >>
Who can tell me if a candlestick order can work if High candlestick is 3 pips less than the opening price of the order?

Are bid and ask not confused with a 3 point spread?

forte928 >> :

Who told you I was advertising?

How else do you understand vague allusions? No information, no explanations, just "correct" predictions and advertising claims.

gip писал(а) >>
So it's impossible, he's a future tense builder.

Well, here we are getting to the time machine))))

gip писал(а) >>

In principle, it's not a bad idea. Although wrong, it should work. But you have to have the courage to admit your mistakes and the real problems with this methodology.

That's why I'm sorting it out and trying to understand in which cases it works and in which cases it misses, but it's hard to do without a tool...


And now for the best part - counting the profits)))