EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 201

forte928 >> :

Here I have it on the older wave forecast on the swing of the older wave confirms both the slope and the price...

On the night of Thursday to Friday.

If it goes like this .....


gip >> :

Okay, I'm having language difficulties.

Maura - hilarious, muzzle? Something in Russian?

Zema - Zema, countryman?

I myself am cosmopolitan and as long as I remember being a kid in Odessa we used to speak Russian.

Forex is international.

I mean, I don't know any mova at all.
The picture is perfect but what should happen and in which direction additionally on the younger period still needs to be looked at...
forte928 >> :
The picture is ideal but what should happen and in what direction additionally on the low period still need to be seen...

You have to work

The touch must be at ONE point.

>> I don't mean one point in particular.

And so it's somewhere around here.

Krotu писал(а) >>
Look what the Yankees are doing to oil.

That's what's pulling the pair back and forth ))))

>> it's a good thing the pound is overlapped.

The slips give a downward channel. I wonder what will happen tomorrow?
Oops, looks like I got a freebie... At the last minute, I was about to close orders...
So this one, now the transition will come from oil - the Dow Jones will fall in panic, the oil rate after it and a new cycle.
gip писал(а) >>
So this one, now the transition will come from oil - the Dow Jones will fall in panic, the oil rate will follow and a new cycle will follow.

And they say there are no cycles...