AMD or Intel as well as the memory brand - page 52

kombat писал(а) >>

On my Celeron the estimated time reads 02:47:42 (approximately, because it fluctuates during passes)

Yes! is not specified, that's why the birdie is removed gen.opt.

About the birdie in the screenshots is just visible. Only optimization should be done not by ticks but by opening prices. It is not visible.

Now I will add a clarification to the post.

Imp120 писал(а) >>

New optimisation on the opening price of 707c.

But the topic is about hardware selection, not about tests? I think it would be a bit strange to build a computer on 775 and am2 sockets as computer is not only CPU frequency and RAM size but also technologies. For example I replaced my last atlon 1200 because it didn't have SSE3 technology, but if 4 years ago I haven't built the dual core, now I would have probably used core 2 duo. Investing "extra" $200-300 into hardware now will save us a lot of running around the shops later. I, too, need to build a new computer but I am now waiting for a new tester and 32 nm rocks.

From this point of view a car is not just an engine and wheels, but also a MAGNITOLA and BLUE WRITERS.

Technologies themselves are not worth anything without the software that supports them.

So SSE3 and later probably help to speed up video encoding, but I don't encode it. So I don't need such technology by itself. But my processor has it and ok.

But insufficient memory size or performance (on the most usual software, without any SSEx optimizations) are decisive factors.

Besides "then" we will get all these little things 2-3 times cheaper.

That is why, being perfectly capable to buy Core i5/i7, I don't do it - because for my tasks it is surplus, my Core 2 Duo (even not the most modern, 65 nm) is EXACTLY BEAUTIFUL. As well as (for now) 2Gb of memory is enough.

Pragmatic and calculating. If I will need something more powerful, I will buy it. But by that time it will cost 100, not 300 dollars.

But the SELECTION should be based on tests in any case, because speculative reasoning that technology "X" will make it "hundred times faster" very often turns out to be erroneous.

Docent >> :

From this point of view, a car is not just an engine and wheels, but also a MAGNITOLA and BLUE WRITERS.

The technology itself is worthless without the software to support it.

So SSE3 and later probably help to speed up video encoding, but I don't encode it. So I don't need such technology by itself. But my processor has it and ok.

But insufficient memory size or performance (on the most usual software, without any SSEx optimizations) are decisive factors.

Besides "then" we will get all these little things 2-3 times cheaper.

That is why, being perfectly capable to buy Core i5/i7, I don't do it - because for my tasks it is surplus, my Core 2 Duo (even not the most modern, 65 nm) is EXACTLY BEAUTIFUL. As well as (for now) 2Gb of memory is enough.

Pragmatic and calculating. If I will need something more powerful, I will buy it. But by that time it will cost 100, not 300 dollars.

And I have to make my SELECTION in any case, based on tests, because speculative reasoning that technology "X" will make it "hundred times faster" very often turns out to be erroneous.

By the way "cx" is one of the most important, I would say cornerstone necessities right now, at least cx2.

One more thing. I don't use swap, but I've seen it on many machines even at 1gb or more they leave it.

Apparently this factor has to be taken into account too... including how it is implemented and on what...


New script and new advisor


I think I'll start entering the data into the table.

Check to see if there's a mistake somewhere...

Nick Processor Memory EA result
kombat Celeron 430 @1.795GHz L2 512KB DDR2-665 2 GB (5-5-5-15) 1ch 1049 * 1.795 = 1883
Svinozavr Celeron @2.2GHz L2 1MB DDR2-800 2 GB (5-5-5-18) 1ch
begemot61 Pentium 4 670@3.8GHz L2 2MB DDR2-533 2 GB (4-4-4-12) 1ch
Mathemat Core 2 Duo E7200 @2.534 GHz L2 3 MB DDR2-800 4 GB (4-4-4-12) 2 ch 545 * 2.534 = 1381
Docent Core 2 Duo E6550 @3.003 GHz L2 4 MB DDR2-859 2 GB (5-5-5-15) 431 * 3.003 = 1294
Vinin Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.006 GHz, L2 6 MB DDR2-801 4 GB (5-5-5-18) 2ch 394 * 3.006 = 1184
HideYorRichess Mobile Core 2 Duo T9800 @ 2.926 GHz, L2 6 MB DDR3-1064 8 GB (7-7-7-20) 2ch 392 * 2.926 = 1147
begemot61 Xeon W5590 @ 3.47 GHz, L2 4x256 KB + L3 8MB DDR3-1334 12 GB (9-9-9-24) 3ch
joo Athlon 64 X2 3800+ @ 2.01 GHz, L2 2x512 KB DDR2-670 2 GB (5-5-5-15) 2ch 753 * 2.01 = 1514
Imp120 Athlon 64 X2 3800+ @ 2 GHz, L2 2x512 KB DDR-400 2 GB (?-?-?-?) ?ch 707 * 2 = 1414
Belford Phenom II X3 720 BE @ 3.717 GHz, L2 3x512 KB + L3 6MB DDR3-1339 2 GB (9-9-9-24) 1ch 317 * 3.717 = 1178
begemot61 Opteron 2439 SE @ 2.8 GHz, L2 6x512 KB + L3 6MB DDR2-667 4 GB (5-5-5-15) 2ch
Belford Phenom II X3 720 BE @ 2.813 GHz, L2 3x512 KB + L3 6MB DDR3-1339 2 GB (9-9-9-24) 1ch 374 * 2.813 = 1052
kombat писал(а) >>

By the way "ssex" is one of the most important, I would say cornerstone, necessities right now, at least for sse2.

One more thing. I don't use swap, but I've seen on many machines that even at 1gb or more they leave it.

Apparently this factor should be taken into account too... Including how it's implemented and on what...

About SSEx please explain. In essence, it's not a technology at all (this word was used here by marketers), but additional sets of commands. So if you want to get some benefit from them, you have to use them quite wisely.

Swap-file is desirable to have at any size of RAM. I can't give you the exact source now, but I think it was written by Mark Russinovich in his book on the inner workings of Windows. The memory manager always counts on this file being present, in fact it is disabled for debugging purposes.

On the other hand, for our tests the amount of memory used by the mobile computer is much less than available RAM size, so I suppose you can ignore size and location of this file.

Docent >> :

About SSEx - justify please. As a matter of fact, they are not technologies at all (this word was used here by marketers), but additional sets of commands. And to get some benefit from them it's not enough just to use them, you need to use them competently which is very seldom the case.

Yes, a set of commands without which there is no future...

(and no present ;)))

The time will come and you'll know everything and anything.


Docent, you guessed it) a car is not just an engine and wheels but also air conditioning and a machine.)

We don't live by trade alone. Kora would be enough for me now and I would not think about building a new computer. That's not what I was talking about. Either we build a cheap PC every 2 years or a little bit more expensive but for 4.


Which Celeron 1.8


Imp120 >> :

Docent, you guessed it) a car is not just an engine and wheels but also air conditioning and a machine.)

We don't live by trade alone. Kora would be enough for me now and I would not think about building a new computer. That's not what I was talking about. Either we build a cheap PC every 2 years or a little bit more expensive but for 4.

It doesn't work like that. >>( It turns out that every two years and more expensive.