SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 24


Well then at least take down to the swearing between Moskals and Khohls and posts with references to it, starting with the provocative post by S.

By the way, I also have an opinion on this burning issue, but I did not express it and limited myself to a formula for kombat.

Mathemat >>:

Ну тогда хотя бы снести в ругань между москалями и хохлами и посты со ссылками на нее, начиная с провокационного поста S.

У меня, кстати, тоже есть мнение по этому животрепещущему вопросу, но я его не стал высказывать, а ограничился только формулой для kombat'а.

It seems to be within limits so far, no more than usual.

The video with the profanity has been removed.


All right then, Mischek. The moderators will take care of the rest.


Michael, even though I asked you to ignore me, I'm going to say something here.

You mustn't leave such topics

So there are wedges between us and the countries - resentments piled up - do not judge others, and you will not be judged.

Just like they removed the thread about the Holodomor where one bitch was yelling about it - I would have strangled him for such holy things.

this one should be taken down as well.

Geronimo >>:

Михаил я хоть и просил меня не замечать но тут выскажусь

нельзя такие темы оставлять

итак клинья между нами и странами - обид накопилось

как убрали тему про Голодомор там одна сука язвил на эту тему - задушил бы за такие святые вещи

так и эту надо убрать

There you're savoring the cops on Nevsky.

Here you're asking for that thread to be deleted.

If you've got a lot on your plate, it's easier to blow off steam and forget.

Mischek >>:

Там ты смакуешь ментов на Невском

Тут просишь ту ветку удалить

Если накопилось, проще пар спустить и забыть

I'm not savoring-- I'm disgusted.

You'll notice that was an answer.

like all previous responses-- to aggression. - inciting ethnic hatred
DDFedor >>: - разжигание межнациональной розни

But what a lot of material for psychiatrists and sociologists! How people are manifesting themselves! I read with interest and some satisfaction - it's nice when one's own intuitive assessment of personalities is confirmed by their statements in the thread.

granit77 писал(а) >>

But what a lot of material for psychiatrists and sociologists! How people are manifesting themselves! I read with interest and some satisfaction - it's nice when my own intuitive evaluation of personalities is confirmed by their statements in the thread.

there is nothing for psychiatrists and sociologists to do here. the resource is for programmers. i personally do not like discussions of issues of interpersonal and international relations at the THEME forum. here it is - FLOOD and littering of the resource. to clarify interpersonal and international contradictions - elsewhere.

DDFedor >>:

нЕчего здесь делать ни психиаторам ни социологам. ресурс - для программистов. лично мне не нравятся обсуждения вопросов межличностных и межнациональных отношений на ТЕМАТИЧЕСКОМ форуме. здесь это - ФЛУД и засорение ресурса. выяснять межличностные и межнациональные противоречия - в другом месте.

I fully support