TakeMySpred - any spread, even negative !!! - page 7

Hm. Thank you. Going to have a look.

I am attaching the promised templates (aka artmoney tables) for changing spreads at brokers with floating spreads.
But I should warn right away that these tables were made at short notice and do not pretend to be universal. I have had enough of them for my needs.
I will be glad if somebody needs it. The only way to get the drawing results would be to check if the spreads in ArtMoney were equal to or greater than the specified ones.

P.S. Now I checked on another terminal. I got a feeling that for each terminal you have to create a separate substitution table,
so my tables won't work for you, most likely. But in archive you will find instruction by steps, how they were created.
Instructions also wrote for myself, so please do not kick me if something is not so or something is not very clear.
In general, in order to achieve the full universality we should really work with the Structures.
However at the moment I have no time to deal with these things, so I just provide everything as is.
If you have any questions, please refer to ArtMoney manual, it's all very well described there with examples and screenshots

P.P.S All a happy holiday of Great Victory! Peace!

Taki turned out to be a goat. Immediately fell into the PR of another craft. =)

I don't feel like feeding the trolls today...

I guess adequate people will just take note of the useful information, but the inadequate ones can continue to demonstrate the wonders of paradoxical logic.

Today I discovered that version 1 changes MAXLOT and MINLOT in symbols.sel, which subsequently distorts the results.
oranger писал(а) >>

Another Sherlock Holmes... I don't have any commercial interest in the MaStak craft!
I personally use the free program ArtMoney, which allows you to change the spread in two clicks, and without rebooting the terminal!

Frustrated.... Very.... You didn't call me a troll.....

Nobody called me a troll.... wise, at least you do that... Brotherly... ))))


P.S. MaStak is a MASTAK !!!

chief2000 писал(а) >>
Discovered today that version 1 changes MAXLOT and MINLOT in symbols.sel, which subsequently distorts the results.

You are probably right.

Do you know how many bugs have been found in Windows 3.11 so far?

That's what software releases are for.......

lasso >>:

Вероятно Вы правы.

А в Windows 3.11 на сегодняшний момент знаете сколько обнаружено багов??

Для этого и существуют релизы программ.......

Just found out what the problem is (turned out to be unrelated to the new symbols.sel) -

the thing is that instead of replacing the proxy or blocking it with a firewall, I simply deleted the account.

And after deleting the account MAXLOT which was 30 became 100 and MINLOT became 0.01-> 0.1.

MaStak >>:


Про подмену спреда в symbols.sel вы уже наверно знаете.

I didn't even know about thesymbols.sel:) Thanks, I've been wondering "how to reset spread" for a few days now, it runs in XP compatibility mode on W7, by the way, if anyone has it reading but not writing, check if the terminal writes to a "different" program file from C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files


Thank you for the tool - very useful! Only I'm on futures, and there the broker's commission is taken through the cost of a tick, as far as I understand. Can I change it somehow? And is it correct to change it by changing spread?