Useful features from KimIV porting to mql5 + my own attempts.... - page 6


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I don't know how to give one of those.

Please give me an idea for writing a function. As Kim's functions are mostly all order-oriented...


There is an algorithm that calculates a forecast array for T bars (price forecast, line). We need a function to estimate algorithm's adequacy: every n steps it builds a forecast for T bars, counts correlation of the forecast with the price, puts it into a separate array. It repeats this way K:n times, after that the average correlation coefficient is calculated. Parameters K, n, T

Option: calculate number of points taken per forecast along with correlation, by the principle of simple reversal system, and show average

sayfuji >> :

I don't know how to give one of these.

Yes, knowing how to give cacti is the shortest way down to a lady's heart, dear colleague. I mean the climb up to it... You know what I mean. :о)


After money, or maybe first (;) it's just a matter of time.

Here is the idea...

Although 5 already has something of its own, for example TradeHistoryRequest();

xweblanser писал(а) >>
Give me an idea for a function. As kim's functions are mainly oriented to work with orders...

So you need to step away from the computer for a week and just observe, observe, observe... maybe you'll get some ideas when you're not staring at the monitor...

...Gimme an idea ... so far that's all I can see in the dry residue that is called. because first the ideas, then the programming, and then the recognition and the fat topic at the top of the forum, if the synthesis of the first and second factors takes place. the author is clearly aiming for the third, having balked at the first and essentially the second (because porting code without a compiler is not even a horseback ride). the result is known, we just have to wait for it.
I don't get it. Why do you need to rewrite code in MT5? Will keywords like if, switch, case, while,{}... disappear? In general C++ supports C, so why won't MT5 support MT4?
tmp.0 >> :

Well.... no one can answer that question better than him :)

About knowing MQL -

I think you're confusing an EA with an indicator. Have you even written one in your open thread?

Sorry for interrupting the discussion.

tmp.o Please clean up. I wrote to you in person and you ignored me.


I started reading the topic and thought it was Kim's. I looked at the author of the first post and wondered if Kim was already writing for the 5 makli, but I was wrong.