Useful features from KimIV porting to mql5 + my own attempts.... - page 4

KimIV >> :

Yes, he does and he doesn't mind. What's more, he's in favour with both hands!!!

Zufar and I have been chatting on Facebook. He, by the way, raised concerns about the negativity associated with modifying someone else's (in this case my) code. I was skeptical of his thoughts, but having read the thread, I got assured that his warnings weren't so far from reality. Guys, don't take someone's rework, modifications and other stuff like that lightly. The man works, tries, invests his time and labour. Well, he wants to, let him do it. There is no harm in it, but only benefit. For him and for you.

SZS. I hope for understanding!

KimIV, no talking, not interfering. If I've got you in any way, I wouldn't dream of it.

KimIV писал(а) >>

Yes, he does and he doesn't mind. What's more, he's in favour with both hands!!!

Zufar and I have been chatting on Facebook. He, by the way, raised concerns about the negativity associated with modifying someone else's (in this case my) code. I was skeptical of his thoughts, but having read the thread, I got assured that his warnings weren't so far from reality. Guys, don't take someone's rework, modifications and other stuff like that lightly. The man works, tries, invests his time and labour. Well, he wants to, let him do it. There is no harm in it, but only benefit. For him and for you.

ZS. I hope for understanding!

It won't do any good... A man whose opinion changes like the weather - is incapable of completing the job.

KimIV is a brand. I wouldn't like to mix "something" with "nothing"... if Zufar's features themselves come up - then - no words...

Babay >> :

Even though I am Igor's authority figure, I am not a dirty rat like you

Since Igor Kim is your authority, here's a quote from our conversation with him!!!!

xweblanser> Потому что я знаю что будут многие говорить что мол вот ты гад такой чужие разработки украл....

KimIV> не говорите ерунды... как можно украсть то, что лежит в свободном доступе
Babay >> :

You can get rid of first, and then get on with it.

For those who don't understand, I'll tell you again!!!

KimIV> Don't talk nonsense... how can you steal something that's in the public domain

Excuse me but that calculator was in the public domain! And nowhere was it written that you can't use it for personal use!


Zufar, it's not about Kim. And fuck the calculator. It's about you and your behavior.

There are certain ethics. So I cooked up an advisor. I didn't write it from scratch. It was long and lazy. I took a more or less suitable one as a basis, rewrote it and posted it. Note that I provided credit for the original text and pointed out that I might be wrong -- the original text was lost. I did, even though it was in the public domain.

You and your wild stunt with Hidden's calculator, you're being a scofflaw. You can't do that. It's not nice.

There are good, kind and helpful people here. If I were you (and I give a hint, by the way - tell me that the story with the calculator was made by your own stupidity and inconsideration), I would apologize to Hidden and al. Somehow I am sure they will grumble, but forgive.

You, on the other hand, are stubbornly going into the bottle for some reason.

Swetten >> :

Zufar, it's not about Kim. And fuck the calculator. It's about you.

There are certain ethics. So I cooked up an advisor. I didn't write it from scratch. It was long and lazy. I took a more or less suitable one as a basis, shoveled it as necessary and posted it. Mind you, I've plagiarised the original source material and pointed out that I might be wrong - the source material was lost.

You and your wild stunt with Hidden's calculator, you're still yelling at me. You can't do that. It's not nice.

There are good, kind and helpful people here. If I were you (and I give a hint, by the way - tell me that the story with calculator was made by your own stupidity and inconsideration), I would ask forgiveness from Hidden and others. Somehow I am sure they will grumble, but they will forgive me.

But you're stubbornly going into the bottle for some reason.

Did I miss something????? Did I mention that I used Hidden's calculator at?????? Did I fail to explain why I used it?

xweblanser писал(а) >>

Did I miss something????? Did I mention that I used Hidden's calculator at?????? Did I not explain why I used it?

Once again:

People here are good, kind and helpful. If I were you (by the way, let me give you a hint -- tell me that the story with the calculator was made by your own stupidity and inconsideration), well, if I were you, I would ask for forgiveness from Hidden and others. Somehow I am sure they will grumble, but forgive.

You are stubbornly going into the bottle for some reason.

Nothing personal. >> excuse me.

Swetten >> :

Zufar, it's not about Kim. And fuck the calculator. It's about you and your behavior.

There are certain ethics. So I cooked up an advisor. I didn't write it from scratch. It was long and lazy. I took a more or less suitable one as a basis, rewrote it and posted it. Note that I provided credit for the original text and pointed out that I might be wrong -- the original text was lost. I did, even though it was in the public domain.

You and your wild stunt with Hidden's calculator, you're being a scofflaw. You can't do that. It's not nice.

There are good, kind and helpful people here. If I were you (and I give a hint, by the way - tell me that the story with the calculator was made by your own stupidity and inconsideration), I would apologize to Hidden and al. Somehow I am sure they will grumble, but forgive.

You, on the other hand, are stubbornly jumping into the bottle for some reason.

"No cats allowed! No cats allowed!"

... There's men talking here, each of them has been in the zone for 10 years... :о)


Why so:

The female contingent should be spared, especially as we have few of them. It should be like this: