Svinozavr писал(а) >>

If the author of the thread wants order in his own thread, he should have moderating rights.

I think a lot of people are confused by the word "moderating".

Don't moderate. One should have less rights than a moderator.

But enough to maintain order. The idea of hiding threads (posts) with a ticking beacon for a moderator -- seems quite rational to me.

Swetten >> :

I think a lot of people are confused by the word 'moderating'.

Don't moderate. You need less rights than a moderator.

But enough to maintain order. The idea of hiding threads (posts) with a ticking beacon for a moderator -- seems quite rational to me.

I've created a thread. I am responsible for it. I am responsible for making sure the posts are relevant to the subject and the general rules. I have the right to delete anybody's post in MY topic. I'm my own moderator. A local one.

Can create my local "blacklist" for outspoken in my opinion m-m-m-m weirdos that I don't want to see in my thread. >> etc.

Maybe. I've never done that before. I shrug my shoulders. :)
Svinozavr >> :

..I created the topic. I'm in charge of it...

Lazy to dig around, there were several threads where the management of one's branch was discussed with the administration. Delete other people's posts, delete the whole branch etc. The current conditions were formed as a result, i.e. the impossibility of deleting a branch, time limit for deleting own posts and the ability to rename a branch within the same time limit. To be fair, for example, the right to remove one's posts at any time led to a few threads going bare and unreadable after the offending authors left. IMHO, it is better not to touch the established rules. I would only add a "Comment to moderator" button like on some forums, this would give the moderator some statistics on user opinions. But that's not necessary either.


Лень рыться, было несколько тем, в которых вопросы управления своей веткой обсуждались с администрацией. Удаление чужих постов, удаление ветки целиком и пр. В результате были сформированы нынешние условия, то есть невозможность удаления ветки, ограничение времени удаления своих постов, возможность в течении такого же времени переименовать ветку. Справедливости ради надо сказать, что, например, право удаление своих постов в любое время привело к тому, что несколько веток оголились и стали нечитабельными после ухода обидевшихся авторов. ИМХО, лучше не трогать сложившихся правил. Я бы добавил только кнопку "Пожаловаться на сообщение модератору" как на некоторых форумах, это дало бы модератору некоторую статистику по мнениям пользователей. Но и это не обязательно.

+1. In the current circumstances, this is the maximum that is possible, and it will not do without the retarded clucking about and without reason, so it will turn out that we have come back to where we came from. At least we talked, everyone who wanted to talk, let off some steam, and that's the end of it.

sayfuji >> :

+1. In the current circumstances, this is the maximum that is possible, and that will not do without retarded claptrap for cause and without cause, so that we come back to where we came from. At least they communicated, everybody who wanted to speak out, let out steam, that's all.

))) I agree...

I have written above, that it won't work - there's no hiding from geeks. But I got carried away...))

The best moderator is ourselves ... ;)
kombat >>:
Лучший модератор - это мы сами... ;)

You're an idealist anarchist, monsieur! ))) You are your own order. No police, no laws, just "the starry sky above our heads and the moral law within us" (Johannes Kant).

That's it. Now we are going on a flood. It was a pleasure talking to everyone. Gone to bed.

Svinozavr >> :

You're an anarchist idealist, monsieur! ))) ...

Really?!? (although I like the idea... ;)

It's just a question of ourselves... >> or sebih... )))

Swetten >> :

Not giving up your seat to a pregnant woman in public transport is not a crime either.

Talking loudly in public is not a crime.

Farting in public isn't a crime either.

But for some reason, it is highly condemned by society.

Sometimes it's good to look in the mirror.