I wonder why this poemposter isn't getting banned?
PapaYozh >> :
I wonder why this pohoposter is not banned?

The same reason as all the others - the reason why MQL5 developers need to have some fun and get distracted all the time. And here on this forum is such a free circus....

AlexEro >> :

... one has to at least have some fun and distraction. And here on this forum is such a free circus....

The circus at least suggests some wit.

granit77 >> :

The circus at least suggests some wit.

If there are no people of sharp mind here, then what are you colleague doing here - with your 1936 postings? Who are you talking to here?


Если здесь нет людей острого ума, то что Вы коллега тут делаете - со своими 1936-ю постингами? С кем Вы тут беседуете?

I think it would be good if everyone took care of themselves, and everyone is fed up with the shitshow. The circus is the circus because it is an art, there is no shame in taking a child there, even though it smells bad, not BSC in its purest form.

AlexEro >> :

If there are no smart people here, what are you doing here, colleague, with your 1936 posts? Who are you talking to here?

Substitution of the thesis. A lack of wit in the subject does not mean that there are no people with a sharp mind on the forum, rather the opposite. Unfortunately intelligent and intelligent people usually consider it beneath their dignity to get involved in campaigns even against blatant vulgarity.

And as for the number of my posts, it primarily indicates that I have something (and from whom) to ask here to satisfy my natural curiosity.

granit77 >> :

Substitution of the thesis. A lack of wit in the subject does not mean that there are no people with a sharp mind on the forum, rather the opposite. Unfortunately intelligent and intelligent people generally consider it beneath their dignity to engage in campaigning even against blatant vulgarity.

And as for the number of my posts, it first of all proves that I have something (and someone) to ask here to satisfy my natural curiosity.

What, are you offended or something?

AlexEro >> :

>> what, are you offended or something?

Nah, I'm a nerd, and I always try to answer in detail and in a meaningful way. No problem :))

PapaYozh >> :
I wonder why this poemposter isn't getting banned?

I dedicate my new canvas to the lord PapaYozh:

Sorry, I've just noticed that this thread has been marked by those "pros" who are also dedicated to the same canvas! :-о)
Maximus_genuine писал(а) >>
Sorry, just now I noticed that this thread has been marked by the professionals who are also dedicated to the same canvas! :-о)

Are you tired of masturbating?