I don't really want to split the forum into sections. I wouldn't wish such a job on myself + the vast majority of users won't like the result.

The idea of a popularly elected moderator is almost never accepted by forum owners and admins. The responsibility for the actions of the people's moderator will still remain on the forum owners, to entrust the admin rights of a stranger, a stranger does not really want.

I think Roche is a very proper moderator, where did they find such a person? I can see it at a glance. Svetlana, I'm not sure you can be as objective in your approach to moderating, be as understanding, understand the technical issues, and the ability to communicate with people and solve work issues...

It was just a matter of opening a ballot on the subject and it would immediately show how much the verbiage annoys and disturbs users. The simple majority may be unfair, but you can't argue with that.


А вот такой вопрос: что если доверить права модератора проверенным пользователям? Ну, не модератора, а поменьше, скажем, возможность только удалять темы типа "продам советника"? Что скажете?

There will be no forum sections, of that I am sure, at least for the foreseeable future. Let me explain why: the forum was created to popularize the language and mutual assistance for users of the language and the products written with it, ie exchange of ideas, experience, making suggestions and reporting bugs. That's all! All sales, training and other nonsense of that kind are beyond the scope of the task. It was not intended to create a forum where they can model clay and play guitar. The Meta Trader and its accompanying language have the same objective. Hence, we have one section. All other topics for newbies, clever guys and fools are maintained by forum members themselves. For gross violations (depending on the degree of rudeness) will be given either a warning or a ban. Everything else is speculation and from the evil one.

With regard to moderation, there are two points: who to choose and who will do this. The task is in the fact that "do no harm". There are few people who understand this, no one has cancelled subjectivity. As if, as correctly said, vigilantes, not to make a mess and not to outbid each other. The main group here is hard workers - that is on the forum sporadically (I'm talking about me) - I can be at least a whole day, and I may not be a week. From this very moderation quality will lame substantially, and actually the usefulness of it will be little. Just methaquotes staff is not rubber - to watch the forum, choose custodians, and then watch the custodians.

Although I'm sure if interesting proposals will come up and there will be good arguments - it can be put into practice.

P.S. Advice to all who understand (I'm not sorry) - before you do, think about it, and then decide: Do you need it?

Swetten >> :

Maybe the author got it wrong? :)

The author's keyboard is wrong. It should be "höre", i.e. "hear". The literary translation is something like, "When I hear the word 'TA', my hand reaches for the gun."

sayfuji писал(а) >>

The challenge is "do no harm". There are few people who understand this; no one has ever cancelled subjectivity. As if, as the vigilantes correctly said, they would not make a mess of each other and get each other killed.

gip wrote >>

I can see it at a glance. Svetlana, I am not sure that you can be as objective in your approach to moderating, be as understanding, understand the technical issues, and the ability to communicate with people and solve working issues ...

Yeah, I'm actually without any pretensions to moderating. It was about the obvious things... At least for me.

Once again, no pretensions to moderating. It's about "hiding" the inherently flooded topics like grails and the like.

If I said something wrong or do not understand something - I apologize, I meant well. :)

P.S. "You're crazy ideas don't cut them off in the heat of the moment". :)

granit77 писал(а) >>

The author's keyboard is wrong. It should be "höre", which means "hear".

Right. I studied German at school. I don't remember how to spell it right, but I do remember that "Horch" and "Audi" are the same kind of words. :)

Swetten писал(а) >>

I'm not actually pretending to be a moderator. It was about the obvious... At least for me.

Once again: no pretensions to moderating. It's about "hiding" the inherently flooded topics like grails and the like.

If I said something wrong or do not understand something - I apologize, I meant well. :)

I think that no one will replace the moderator's work, but it's the "tick to hide" that will tell the moderator to check something here and make a decision... I think that's the only thing that can be helped... "pay attention to ticks" is easier than going into threads like "question..." or "question to programmers..." and keeping track of what's going on there. no need to create topics calling for moderators' attention, and moderators won't have to intervene personally.

Well, that's the way it is, yeah. :)
Swetten >> :

Yes, I studied German at school. I don't remember how to spell it, but I do remember that "Horch" and "Audi" are the same word. :)

"scholarly man, but a pedant." you're a nerd! )))

Yes, of course I know how to spell h(o umlaut)re- it's just that I have grenades, i.e. the wrong system keyboard.


OK. On moderation. I, like anyone, can create a new thread on TA. You could even call it my rehash of a Goebbelsian propaganda masterpiece. A lot of people react to TA that way, by the way.))

BUT. If the author of the thread wants order in his thread, he must have moderating rights. I, like any ordinary unchurched person, do not have them. But I would keep it clean.

Actually, I wonder if the forum engine allows to delegate moderation rights to the rank and file thread creator? Perhaps this would take the load off the esteemed moderators. And it would solve the problem of off-topic threads as well.


O umlaut is usually replaced by oe if there is no icon. Or if they get smart a lot, they use a keyboard switcher - arum or punto;) Do you know how many pedantic clever people there are?

Да я, собственно, без претензий на модераторство. Речь ведь шла о вещах очевидных... По крайней мере для меня.
Ещё раз: без претензий на модераторство. Речь идёт о том, чтобы "прятать" изначально флудовые темы навроде граалей и прочего.
Если я чего-то не так сказала или не понимаю чего -- приношу свои извинения, хотела как лучше. :)

Everything would be fine if it wasn't so true ;)

P.S. "You don't chop up crazy ideas in the heat of the moment." :)

Sounds like a song, or a ditty.) You and Maximus should create a creative circle. No offence, just kidding:)