Job vacancy - page 5

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GADzik wrote >>

It's been understood for a long time that no one is irreplaceable.

Stalin's favourite phrase.
It is thanks to his position that there were practically no good, professional commanders in our army at the beginning of 1941.
I hope your firm does not want to resemble the Red Army of 1941. :)
Good luck.

space_cowboy >> :

>> the thigh!

You want to see the whole forum enslaved?



From years of experience participating in various forums, I'll say:

- all job postings end up discussing the "quality of the postings".

- No matter how well-written an ad is, it will always be shitty written.

- Whoever is interested will not talk about how he would write it, but will just send a CV.

kernelmd >> :


From years of experience participating in various forums, I'll say:

- all job postings end up discussing the "quality of the postings".

- No matter how well-written an ad is, it will always be shitty written.

- Who will be interested will not talk about how he would write but will send CV.

5 points :)

GADzik >> :

You should have a sensible head, it will be enough to answer the questions adequately and tell if you will be able to do the task assigned to you

I've really started to wonder how much Moscow values programmers. I invite you to visit my profile on the website.

And so in between you can get in touch with others.

Lists of programmers.

GADzik >> :

5 points :)

So what do you want from us avid forum users then?

TheXpert >> :

You want to see the whole forum enslaved, don't you?

GADzik, fill in the bust and hips of the female office staff and some will come to you for free.


this is my first time on the forum :) well that was kind of enough for a general analysis,

bust and hip size is not the most important thing for this position

What about the image of the enterprise?! :)
benik >> :

Stalin's favourite phrase.
It is due to his position that there were practically no good, professional commanders in our army at the beginning of 41.
I hope your firm does not want to become like the Red Army of 1941. :)
Good luck.

You are living in the past? Times have changed, and it is not so easy to find a "non-bloated" professional these days, this phrase can explain the global staff turnover among plankton office workers in many organizations, because you want a lot, but nothing to back it up.

1:How much do you want to earn?

2:10000 dollars

1: Why so much?

2:And because I spend so much!