First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 18


A pipsqueak or a grider?

Hmm, "fresh" to say the least. ;-)


Locke? two equal staviks in different directions? Have you thought about the end result? When you want to withdraw the money?

no you're wrong and you know why? It's simple Watson :) The time will come when the rates will reach their maximal points, i.e. the Buy rate will reach its maximal point and the chart will go down and then the Sell rate will reach its maximal minimum and then the chart will surprisingly come to the middle and there will be some time back and forth "masturbate", maybe it will go up or down but it will only increase the minus. Been there too :)

To be honest I have yet to give any direction where to think and no clues. :)

But I promise when someone in his reasoning will be close at least slightly, I will say "Dear fellow you close, you have just touched the grail in complete darkness and did not understand what it is".

So let's reason normally and not pour diarrhea like this "loca", I'm just too lazy to explain where and how which system is losing... ... been there :) WITHOUT joking!

You just follow the rules and forget that there are exceptions to every rule. ... BUT there are Axioms and eternal Constants.

voleg2 писал(а) >>

Locke? two equal staviks in different directions? Have you thought about the end result? When you want to withdraw the money?

no you're wrong and you know why? It's simple Watson :) The time will come when the rates will reach their maximal points, i.e. the Buy rate will reach its maximal point and the chart will go down and then the Sell rate will reach its maximal minimum and then the chart will surprisingly come to the middle and there will be some time back and forth "masturbate", maybe it will go up or down but it will only increase the minus. Been there, too :)

To be honest I haven't given any direction yet where to think and no clues. :)

But I promise when someone in his reasoning will be close at least slightly, I will say "Dear fellow you close, you have just touched the grail in complete darkness and did not understand what it is".

So let's reason normally and not pour diarrhea like this "loca", I'm just too lazy to explain where and how which system is losing... ... been there :) No kidding!

Well, about the loca thought ... I'm not one to put it mildly, but every second exactly, many even to the point of fanaticism, and there is no goal of making money, the purpose of a lock to escape a margin call, also tell me? ;)


Yep, eternal constants, like the golden ratio :))) Funny thread :)))))

peco писал(а) >>
And it is possible here in more details (where to find work to read, what for Pastukhov, more precisely definition of H and 2H-volatilities) ?????

And you try googling - Pastukhov volatility. The first link is yours. What's the question?

The work is interesting, but he didn't say anything about market conditions. He didn't say much about what he should have said. Either he didn't want to write it, or he ran out of time for his dissertation.

voleg2 писал(а) >>

The action of the system implemented in the Expert Advisor is very simple: Deals are always opened regardless of where the trend goes. When the trend changes direction there is a certain feature which does not allow the deal to go into deficit.

Once again, this is elementary and simple. Expert Advisor 24 hours a day and never went into deficit.

Get your systems out of your head, take a simple look and you will see! Do not complicate things.

Let me ask you a question: what is the purpose of your posts?

1. Help the dummies? Then help them financially or disclose your TS.

2. Show off? Let's consider it done.

3. Spreading the word? Not the right resource, and you yourself deny it.

4. Prove that you can make a profit in the financial markets? It seems that no one is arguing, although there is no proof except for words.

5. To prove that it is very easy to make a profit? Not the same resource and most regulars know that this is not the case. Again no proof.

6. Otherwise? >>What is?

ChachaGames >>:

ага вечные константы, как золотое сечение :))) Забавная ветка :)))))

Don't sweat it, I just drink Camus XO and the euphoria is a bit philosophical :) It's really funny because money is first of all freedom and psychological freedom when you wake up every morning in a very good mood and then you have a choice what to do and your freedom allows you to do whatever you want without limiting yourself. I can afford to go for a beer in Prague or in this wild and nasty cold to go and get some sun through the palm leaves and dip my feet in the really clean, warm and clear blue sea.

And what can you afford to do? Ask for 100 WMZ and what else? Work till late at night without seeing your beloved? Do to your other half romantic evenings in super restaurants straining to think that it is a big hole for family budget and then come back to your life where you are trying to earn and she every night to wash a bunch of laundry and rewash all the dishes?

What more can you afford? Happier?

There's so much to see in the world, how beautiful it is underwater with so many different vibrant colours when you dive down to the depths and come back on the boat and there you are met by your insanely happy and beautiful soul mate sparkling in the sunlight against a bright blue sky. I have seen it and I will say it again, we are together, my wife and I are insanely happy, because the world is so interesting and this endless dirty winter can end by the wave of your hand!

Be happy! My friends!

And about the system: Believe me, I'll give seekers a little hint.

goldtrader >>:

Позвольте вопрос: какова цель Ваших постов?

1. Помочь чайникам? Так помогите материально или раскройте свою ТС.

2. Похвастаться-выпендриться? Будем считать что получилось.

3. Пропиариться? Не тот ресурс да и сами Вы отрицаете.

4. Доказать что можно извлекать прибыль на финансовых рынках? Вроде никто и не спорит хотя доказательств кроме слов не было.

5. Доказать что извлекать прибыль очень просто? Тоже не тот ресурс и большинство завсегдатаев знают что это не так. Опять же нет доказательств.

6. Иное? Что же?

A question implies at least that there is an answer

And that's not always the case )

It's just spring, sunshine, it's getting warmer, the mood is zwizdat.....


They're sawing, he's got the yacht now.

a yacht is not a car, a yacht is an asshole with headaches and a shitload of indirect costs, a dumb rental is a hundred times more convenient

He's having fun.

goldtrader >>:

Позвольте вопрос: какова цель Ваших постов?

1. Помочь чайникам? Так помогите материально или раскройте свою ТС.

2. Похвастаться-выпендриться? Будем считать что получилось.

3. Пропиариться? Не тот ресурс да и сами Вы отрицаете.

4. Доказать что можно извлекать прибыль на финансовых рынках? Вроде никто и не спорит хотя доказательств кроме слов не было.

5. Доказать что извлекать прибыль очень просто? Тоже не тот ресурс и большинство завсегдатаев знают что это не так. Опять же нет доказательств.

6. Иное? Что же?

I just really feel sorry for my efforts when on many forums I asked for clarification and people sent me to hell, yes! I am angry at these people.

So I will give a hint, but only to those who are looking for and so that only he understands, not the usual dummies and freeloaders. Only those who have invested a lot of effort, not those who drive into heaven on someone else's dick.

Why should I help you personally financially? Who do you think you are?