"Trees don't grow to the sky" - page 14

Tantrik >>:

Avals писал(а) >>

нет, мониторить только баланс нельзя - после начала мониторинга будет видна эквити и просадки. Чтобы сделок не было видно можно сделать в настройках (History). Чтобы не было видно просадок по эквити можно включать его на время, пока этих просадок нет, а затем отключать, потом опять включать и т.д.


Isn't this actually cheating?


Lord_Shadows >>:
Этот вопрос мне?

No, of course not! :)


FreeLance >>:

Вообще, это не мошенничество ли?

That's fine. A sensible seller would not do this on the real. And a sensible buyer (investor) would not watch demo-monitoring.

So everyone stays on their own.

FreeLance писал(а) >>

In fact, isn't that cheating?


The deals are not his mind - the investor's mind. A lot of businesses have trade secrets! Ask a restaurant for the recipe....
Tantrik >>:

Сделки это - не его ума дело - инвестора. Много бизнеса имеют коммерческую тайну! Спросите в ресторане рецепт приготовлоения....
Well, that's true, too... Although it would still be a good idea for an investor to know the level of drawdown and margin. In a restaurant, the price of a dish and its energy value are not a trade secret.
sol писал(а) >>
Well, that's also true... Although the level of drawdown and margin would still be nice for an investor to know. In a restaurant, the price of a dish and its energy value are not a trade secret.

. business in the 90s - look at it... buy it... break it down... - did the same - started selling.
TheXpert >>:

Нормально. Здравомыслящий продавец не станет это делать на реале. А здравомыслящий покупатель (инвестор) не станет смотреть демо-мониторинги.

Так что все остаются при своих.

Fraud does not involve sanity.

So you approve of scamming/learning by suckers/"not sane"?

Let's just say I don't give a shit, I don't belong to one or the other or the third.
goldtrader писал(а) >>
Can we not be cryptic? What exactly is the naivety about?
What do people monitor for?
1)To brag stupidly before their streak of good fortune runs out.
2) To have a rich Pinocchio with his gold coins.
I don't know where to put Salambek.
Based on his trading history, he belongs to the elite,
the five percent of traders who consistently and successfully make money
But then it's not clear why he's stirring up unhealthy interest?
He would sit quietly and collect coupons without monitoring and flaunting himself,
making fun of the other losers. Anyone would do that, but not him.
This suggests two conclusions, either the newcomer's fancy, or a fake.

Reading and reading the topic, I just want to add to the title of the topic: "apples don't fall in the sky " :)