Working with your hands is better - page 19

laanaa0708 >> :

Yes... Arbitrage... a stumbling block. I know what you're getting at. There's no point in arguing about it. No one knows the answer anyway.

It's not a rock. And the answer is known to anyone who has taken the trouble to study the question.

This is an example of how the simplest, but absolutely guaranteed, mathematical model works. Arbitrage doesn't work because it works for guys with big computers and thick channels, who sit closer to the distribution window and are the first to eat it up. That is, arbitrage is there, but it's not really there. There are other models that look for "imperfections" in the market and eliminate them at a profit to themselves, thereby increasing the efficiency of the markets and reducing the profits of tech analysis and other intuition. The best mathematicians in the world are working on this.

brici >> :

Laannaa0708, guys have learned how to program and think they are God. They think everything can be programmed.) Let them program everything.

But judging by the fact that these "gods" on the forum, constantly trying to insult, they do not do so good. It remains to advise them to seek help from psychoanalysts.

p.s.I would not be surprised if the "gods", in sessions with psychoanalysts, to help them, will begin to write programs with which, of the "gods", make people ..... >> I wouldn't be surprised.)

Inflated self-esteem based on the fact that a person has done work and learned something useful is not the worst case. Some will open one deal and, if the deal is in the black, run around the forums reveling in their genius, unsurpassed intuition and nerves, surpassing the firmness of the nerves of a computer program. When the deal turns in a minus, they become quiet and only look pitifully as their nano-deposit is melting.


- timbo,have you looked at my deposit? )

Here's more proof, you're not using facts but nonsense.


In my opinion, there is no arbitration in the normal sense of the word.

I mean, in the normal sense as I can understand you. There isn't. There is a thing called arbitrage. But at the same time it is Forex.

There is no arbitrage in Forex because it is arbitrage.

Of course we can assimilate the brokerage companies. :) This is in theory. But this is not Forex. If this is what you mean. Then this shit is theoretically possible, it is done simply - we have to find a common brokerage company tool. But as far as I know it's problematic. They only let you withdraw the same currency that you put in.

timbo >> :

a person has put in the work and learned something useful

To all speculators for general development:

Useful to whom? Only for himself, not for society at all. From the point of view of political economy, from the labour theory, its position about labour as the source and measure of wealth, we can conclude that in the process of speculation, the speculator does not create surplus product, by which we mean that part of the product that represents all surplus value, i.e. the speculator appropriates 'someone else's' labour. It is necessary to distinguish between productive labour and non-productive labour. While Economics declares the activity of market players and speculators to be productive labour, in reality it is not. Speculation is a sphere of circulation, where no new value emerges at all. Although from a neoclassical point of view this area 'creates' almost half of the gross value added! Real value is thereby replaced by fictitious, virtual, and therefore false value. Suffice it to say that daily currency speculation has already surpassed the 4 trillion dollar mark, plus the daily amount resulting from speculation in stocks and their derivatives.

>> ....... in short, even if it's a war, or a global economic crisis, or ..... and the speculators are just getting their hands dirty.


Alex5757000, anyway, we traders do not steal anything from anyone.

How are petrodollars better than trader's dollars? Nothing.

Any country would be better off with smart traders (who trade with their hands and brains instead of nonsense)).

Alex5757000 >> :

To all the speculators out there for general development:

Useful to whom? Only for themselves, and for society, not at all. From the point of view of political economy, from the labour theory, its position about labour as the source and measure of wealth, we can conclude that in the process of speculation the speculator does not create surplus product, by which we mean that part of the product that represents all surplus value, i.e. the speculator appropriates 'other people's' labour. It is necessary to distinguish between productive labour and non-productive labour. While Economics declares the activity of market players and speculators to be productive labour, in reality it is not. Speculation is a sphere of circulation, where no new value emerges at all. Although from a neoclassical point of view this area 'creates' almost half of the gross value added! Real value is thereby replaced by fictitious, virtual, and therefore false value. Suffice it to say that daily currency speculation has already surpassed the 4 trillion dollar mark, plus the daily amount resulting from speculation in stocks and their derivatives.

....... in short, even if it's a war, or a global economic crisis, or ..... and the speculators are just getting their hands dirty.


Choomazik >> :

>> the Limonovian?

>> didn't get it.

Alex5757000 >> :

To all the speculators out there for general development:

Useful for whom? Only for themselves, and for society, not at all. From the point of view of political economy, from the labour theory, its position about labour as the source and measure of wealth, we can conclude that in the process of speculation the speculator does not create surplus product, by which we mean that part of the product that represents all surplus value, i.e. the speculator appropriates 'other people's' labour. It is necessary to distinguish between productive labour and non-productive labour. While Economics declares the activity of market players and speculators to be productive labour, in reality it is not. Speculation is a sphere of circulation, where no new value emerges at all. Although from a neoclassical point of view this area 'creates' almost half of the gross value added! Real value is thereby replaced by fictitious, virtual, and therefore false value. Suffice it to say that daily currency speculation has already surpassed the 4 trillion dollar mark, plus the daily amount generated by speculation in stocks and their derivatives.

....... In short, even if there is a war, or a global economic crisis, or ..... and the speculators are just getting their hands dirty.

And what is your definition of benefit to society? If the interests of society come into conflict with the interests of the individual, which comes first? IMHO - what you have stated about productive and non-productive labor is the nonsense that proponents of Marxist theory operate with. You can look up what it is worth in history ;). And at the same time you can compare it with the "decaying theory", because the result is obvious: the states remain the leading economy, although they began to "decay according to Marx" even before the socialist economy emerged. And where is this "socialist economy" together with the country? But they are rotting, and even their crisis is much easier than in the remnants of the "great and mighty power". And the speculators (as well as the traders) REFUSE the surplus value in the commodity sector and create their service sector with their own production - what makes you think that this does not carry real value? Or do people have no other desires except to eat and sleep ;).... You'd better think before you write anything ;)...

>> Good luck with that.

Alex5757000 >> :

>> don't get it.

You sound like an admirer of Bolshevik ideas.