Working with your hands is better - page 18


The technical analysis is rubbish. And it guarantees nothing. Technical analysis is checkboxes for the "stupid". Why the hell do you need this technical analysis when you can see everything. I personally do not understand it.

But to make a system that will understand as much as a professional trader will never work. And it is clear by definition. More precisely, no. Not ever, and only when a fully functional model of the human brain is created. For now it is just a dream.

Therefore, when creating an automated trading machine one must understand that it must work with the steering wheel. That is, with a man. It is like a tractor - it will not plough or sow by itself.

timbo >> :

It is your intuition that is no more than a coincidence. Apart from "gimmicks", there are mathematical models that are guaranteed to work. You tell the girls about "primordialism".

It's a laugh and a sin with you. If, as you say, the market is inherently mechanical, then why all this discussion about

how the price is formed and so on and so forth. Just say "the price is formed by a computer according to a certain algorithm" and that's it. Then if you know.

that algorithm, then all these: "mathematical models that work are guaranteed".

timbo >> :

You tell the girls about "primordial".

timbo >> :

It is your intuition that is no more than a coincidence. Apart from "gimmicks", there are mathematical models that are guaranteed to work. You tell the girls about "primordial."

And please specify where your models are guaranteed to work (real, demo, history).

laanaa0708 писал(а) >>

Laugh and sin with you. If, as you say, the market is inherently mechanical, then why all this discussion about

how the price is formed and so on and so forth. Just say "the price is formed by a computer according to a certain algorithm" and that's it. Then if you know

that algorithm, then all these: "mathematical models that work guaranteed".

There are mathematical models. But they are not guaranteed to simulate.

If it were that simple, the weather would have been predicted a long time ago, but no.

Imagine for a second how much money is circulating in financial speculation. And don't you think anyone would have guessed to order a better system from a software vendor? With a better system than a weather forecaster. Then why are the pyramid makers in the U.S. going to jail? They had a lot of dough. Why didn't they make the quid generator? Or maybe someone told them not to. They were only allowed to build pyramids and bubbles.

You are all smart people. The interesting thing about the market is that you can't cheat it. You can't invent a machine that works so well it will siphon money out of the market. The market will change immediately. And it will change in an unrecognizable and unpredictable way. That's why I asked in another thread - how does the fox catch the hare? :)

laanaa0708 >> :

I want to ask where do your models work (real, demo, history).

The models, to my deep regret, are not mine. But I am working to rectify this omission.

The right models work everywhere. Anticipating the next question, like what kind of them, I ask ahead of time - why forex arbitrage is impossible?


Laannaa0708, the guys have learned how to program and think they are God. It seems to them now that everything can be programmed.)

But judging by the fact that these "gods" on the forum, constantly trying to insult, they do not have that good. It remains to advise them to contact psychoanalysts. They are aware of the "gods".

p.s.I would not be surprised if "gods", in sessions with psychoanalysts, to help them write programs that can make people out of "gods" ..... I wouldn't be surprised.)

timbo >> :

The models, to my deep regret, are not mine. But I am working to rectify this omission.

The right models work everywhere. Anticipating the next question like which ones, I'll ask ahead of time: why is it impossible to arbitrage in Forex?

Yes... Arbitration... is a stumbling block. I know what you're getting at. There's no point in arguing. No one knows the answer anyway.

laanaa0708 >> :

Laugh and sin with you. If, as you claim, the market is inherently mechanical, then why all this discussion about

Did I say something about mechanicality? I advised you the right audience for the tales of "inherentness".

brici >> :

Laannaa0708, guys have learned how to program and think they are God. They think everything can be programmed.) Let them program everything.

But judging by the fact that these "gods" on the forum, constantly trying to insult, their situation is not so good. It remains to advise them to seek help from psychoanalysts. They understand "gods".

p.s.I would not be surprised if the "gods", in sessions with psychoanalysts, to help them begin to write programs with which, of the "gods", make people ..... >> I wouldn't be surprised.)

I am just curious, what does everyone here, does on forex and what forex means for each of the present here.