Looking for an MTS. giving a steady 20% or more per month - page 45

gip писал(а) >>

Did you manage to sell it or not?

I've got someone who's training soon, but I didn't make the price very high.

firemast >> :

I've got someone who'll be training soon, but I've put a small price on it.

>> what?

Mischek >> :

>> to what?

Nikolai Nikolaich Faermast School of Extreme Driving

Peter >> :

All about Forex. Free help in making a profit in the forex market
Using trading robots with returns from 300%. Write here: e-mail: 7www@inbox.ru.

sab1uk писал(а) >>

the Nikolai Nikolaich Faermast School of Extreme Driving

well rake in the dough and don't leak:)

firemast >> :

I've got someone who'll be training soon, but I've put a small price on it.

one padawan has already been trained and is showing good results :)
firemast >> :
One padawan has already trained and is showing good results :)

Still whistling loudly in the forums ?

Mischek писал(а) >>

Whistling just as loudly in the forums ?

>> that's all we need :))