NFA bans locking from 15 May 2009 - page 42

//"Here Ostap gave such a long compliment that he couldn't even finish it" I. Ilf and E. Petrov. Courage not all DC kitchens look for and find.// For different levels of the population - sit different levels of kitchens. // If you want precisely not kitchen, then advise American companies with an initial deposit of $ 5 million.// Can you give an example? In my personal message. // In the casino, real-life guys go there too, but the essence does not change. He goes to the casino, they tell him these are the rules. He scratches his head and understands that there's nothing to do here under these conditions. So what happens then - the guys will use their connections and blow up the casino? :) Because of the conditions there, it's just not realistic to win. So there are such kitchens for this level too. Not so long ago there was a company in the news that made billions of dollars under the pretext of trading on a real exchange. And it eventually collapsed with big losses for investors. It all comes down to the trading conditions in these companies, and it does not matter from 5 or 50 thousand dollars there is an initial start. If the terms contradict common sense and it is clearly seen that everything in the rules has been done only in the direction of the company and against the client, then this is the same kooky branch, only at a different level. Not much different from a casino. Or am I wrong? :)
timbo >> :

"The mice begged and cried, but kept on eating cactus" (c).

"Kitchen mayhem" for you personally will stop as soon as you stop carrying your money to the kitchen DCs.

And there's no need to slander casinos. All over the world, they are decent establishments that are as strictly controlled as they can be. The casino doesn't play against the players, the players play against the theory of probability. The casino's profits are calculated precisely in advance. The casino cannot change it, unlike the Kitchen DCs. The only thing the casino can do is try to have the player come more often and not leave for a longer time. The cuisine and the entertainment is good for that. A casino is a place where you can spend your free time. Don't confuse them with kitchen gopota.
MrSerj >> :
I.Ilf and E.Petrov: // "Here Ostap gave such a long compliment that he could not even finish it" I.Ilf and E.Petrov. courage not all DCs are kitchens and you will find them. // For different levels of population - there are different level of kitchens. // If you want precisely not kitchen, then advise American companies with an initial deposit of $ 5 million.// Can you give an example? In my personal message. // In the casino, real-life guys go there too, but the essence does not change. He goes to the casino, they tell him these are the rules. He scratches his head and understands that there's nothing to do here under these conditions. So what happens then - the guys will use their connections and blow up the casino? :) Because of the conditions there, it's just not realistic to win consciously. So there are such kitchens for this level too. Not so long ago there was a company in the news that made billions of dollars under the pretext of trading on a real exchange. And it eventually collapsed with big losses for investors. It all comes down to the trading conditions in these companies, and it does not matter from 5 or 50 thousand dollars there is an initial start. If the terms contradict common sense and it is clearly seen that everything in the rules has been done only in the direction of the company and against the client, then this is the same kooky branch, only at a different level. Not much different from a casino. Or am I wrong? :)

1 I won't give you the link look it up under the tag "largest forex direct access broker" .

2 Not right, imagine a client came to you and brought 5l and you have a kitchen (if you want to live).

You tell him straight away that he has come to the wrong company and that this is not Forex but a kitchen.

>> you two break up peacefully, maybe get some more cognac for being honest.

If a man comes to you with $200, he may be a good friend of mine, how will he react with his head hitting the monitor?

I agree with kombat. As long as they feed on other people's grief, they will live on, and so will casinos. But they have banned casinos in Russia in populated areas (Cities, etc.). So that the whole shebang would be in one place, not on every corner of a crossroads. And the end result is that the gaming areas are empty, because there will be no fools to just go there, especially in Russia. And the kitchen is the same casino swindle! They just do not take any action against them for some reason, but they take action against profitable traders in a heartbeat. I have doubts about the casino, but where have the owners moved, not to forex by any chance? !!!!! :-)))))))))))) It's like a new age, new technology to rip people off. From what I can tell the kitchens are much richer than the casinos. The whole shop is built on lies and deceit. They should know that all kitchens are casinos, which means that if you are going to trade on the exchange market in the long term and not play in a casino, you do not dick in them. As long as the government doesn't get hold of them, they'll keep getting fat and going over people's heads, getting cheekier every day, from illusory impunity.
The timbo of course controls them, because the lion's share comes from them. And the casino controls the players. You know what casinos do to those who play profitable trading systems, like card counting? That's my point exactly. As soon as someone comes along who makes a lot of profits, they immediately cut that approach down, with all sorts of rules. Just like in the Kitchen!!! :)))))) Those who control the Casino, only concerned about their profits and all they care about is the restrictions they impose. And if these restrictions also help them save or enlarge their pockets for controlling them, I think they would be happy to help as much as they can from their side. :)
The kitchen differs from a casino in that everything is clear about a casino, you can go there, catch some adrenaline, lose money, gamble. But we are talking about Forex as a market where people work and make a living. And if the kitchen does not allow to do this by imposing different restrictions and rules, plus it facilitates losing money, then how do you call it? In the casino or in the kitchen, neither you nor I, nor he will not let them make a profit all the time. They do not give them profit all the time. And the exchange is mega hard work, I do not tell you, and here comes the deception, and complete anti-advertising in the end to the real markets where you can trade, where everything depends only on ourselves whether we will sell or not. And not on those who call themselves "kitchens" or casino miscreants! Russia has always been famous for its wits, and to the Russian man the stock exchange is a great prospect for growth, and therefore for all countries. And what ends up happening is a very small part of it. The most resilient ones get past all the thorns and start to see the big picture, not the illusion that the Kucharian empire has created. And all the rest go away and think that the stock exchange is a fraud, what prosperity of the country can be judged because of this rot, which creates this illusion in the end? Take America, almost every family there is somehow related to the stock market, they have a high standard of living and their economy has withstood shocks that others simply can not. And we have it so that Russian people are eventually drawn away from the stock market, giving the understanding that it's like a game and a lottery? Much has already been written about "blacksmiths", who they are and how they work, and there is hope that people will take a closer look at the true stock exchange and will understand where they are worth trading, and where they can just lose. Much has already been written on the net on this subject, the seeker will always find. It's a shame, the exchange is not riskier than usual business. For me if you do not take part in the plum, the exchange is more reliable for Russia than usual business. :) The more people are looking for good offices with real trading, the more they will become. Demand breeds supply! And those who duped will switch to real markets, if they want to survive among the sharks of the brokerage market. Such optimistic predictions! :) In the meantime, we have to make the best of the pitfalls of the kitchens.
Urain most of the world's population lives below the poverty line. What's left for them to do. And those offices which like to cheat, to hell with them, as well as any con artist. If you can not trade on the real foreign exchange market with small money, that is no reason to engage in scams and take advantage of people's poverty. And besides, if there will be a big offer even with the same 200 quid, then there will be someone who will make a system to withdraw even those 200 quid to the market in aggregate. And if not, then no. But everyone has to know who is who? Where he got, and what opportunities he has here. For example, if it's not even practically possible to withdraw those 200$ on a regular basis, like you can't always get a cumulative position, then you don't have to fool people that it's possible. Under such conditions, a lot of people who could have become pros would have become pros and put in their word for the development of the country without having large Sums. Everything is simple, you become a demo pro, get a job at some company that trades in the market, you become part of a team with your capital, and then you can start to earn your own money. As a result, at least 50% of those who have lost and left the market, believing it to be a scam, would have become successful traders and in the end would have contributed to the development of the country, themselves and their families. The exchange is a very interesting and highly intellectual job. Just for a Russian. And so far one can only dream about it! Although everything is moving towards it. :)
I'm done!!! :) Wow that's a lot of writing. Pardon me if I have.:)))))
MrSerj >> :
... The exchange is a very interesting and highly intellectual job. Just for the Russian man.

If you want fair trading, go to the stock exchange. And do not confuse the stock exchange (where there is a single source of quotes and a single trading venue) with the forex market.

Forex and the exchange are completely different things. Forex provides huge opportunities for the puppeteers to trick their clients by 2-35 and up to 10p

in each transaction by definition. And in fact, there is no way to bring the puppeteer to justice.