pricing - page 2

mql4com >> :

I personally know the management of some major Russian and Western brokerage companies on MT4. I know their work inside, at the level of chief-dealer through the MT4-Server and the MT4-Manager. I know their business model.

If a trader's depo suddenly went up.

There was a Hep in the middle of the week.

If there was no gap.

Then he was pipsing.

If he wasn't pipsing

Then he was arbitrage.

Well, even if he wasn't.

>> So let's open the guide 1001 trader's excuses and find the reason, anyway we are offshore and we sit in the CROWF


Don't argue, hot Finnish guys, you are both right. Marketmaker has two very similar but simultaneously opposite meanings.

1. A market maker is a big, even huge, bank, which can be counted on the fingers of one hand in the world, and which provides exchange operations for all the real market participants. It is a billion-dollar operation. It does not trade currencies for profit, only services for market participants.

2. Market maker is a kitchen BC, which provides exchange operations for its clients, as if they were participants of the virtual market. Kitchen in this context is not a swear word, it has a neutral meaning, it is just the opposite of DC working by the direct access principle, when each client's transaction is brought on the real market, no internal set-offs, no profit from clients' sinking - only commission for the transactions. From this point of view, all brokerage companies on MT are market makers or kitchens.

In Russian, market maker refers more often to point 1.

fate >> :

>> As I understand makers see on their equipment a constantly changing rate (we see it too) and if they do not like it they can add their own.

Not really - we traders working through MT only see what happens on the margin part of the spot market ;) - or more precisely that part that our brokerage company shows us.

2 mql4com - Real delivery in three days on the non-margin market ? well, well .... And what Russian brokerage companies offer such data via MT and in what currency? I wonder if something has really changed.


SZY 2 timbo, if you use that definition, then I agree (note that if we could distinguish the 1s from the 2s, by the way, Gein is one of the first, but it does not do it through MT - MT is for clients), but usually the kitchen DCs are called market makers only when they have very bad idea how it should work in general.......

>> Good luck.

BARS >> :

If a trader's depo suddenly went up.

There was a Hep in the middle of the week.

If there was no gap.

Then he was pipsing.

If he wasn't pipsing

Then he was arbitrage.

Well, if he wasn't.

So let's open the 1001 trader's excuses guide and find the reason, we're offshore and we're in the CROWF anyway.

I don't want to repeat myself.

mql4com >> :

>> I don't want to repeat myself.

Well you know the process... they want to shut down and without pips they'll drop the account ))))

>> that's why I wrote in generalities.

VladislavVG >> :

2 mql4com Real delivery in three days on the non-marginal market ? well, well .... If there is a Russian brokerage company that implements such a strategy and in what currency? I wonder if something has really changed.

What does three-day delivery have to do with it?! The business model of any (Russian or Western) DCs is the same, and it has nothing to do with currency delivery. Roughly - it is a casino, a market game, an opportunity to make money for a potential client, with the stat. advantage on the side of the DC, as in the casino. Even the platform has nothing to do with it.

And the more clients a brokerage company has, the less risk it faces.

BARS >> :

Well you know the process... they want to shut down and without pips they'll drop the account ))))

Yeah, it all depends on the chutzpah of the chief dealer or his superiors.

mql4com >> :

What does three day delivery have to do with it!

Are we talking about market makers or who? A market maker's function is the obligation to maintain liquidity - i.e. he is simply obliged to execute an order (to sell or buy a certain volume of currency at a certain time: 3 days if it is a spot). By the way, market makers operate in a non-marginal market. If an asset (currency) cannot really be bought or sold - there is no demand for this asset (it will fall) and there is no liquidity - so the market maker does not perform his function with all the ensuing consequences....


ZS all of this does not apply to the concept of "type 2 market makers" - which are just kitchen dts....


It's been a long time since the dough went anywhere... Everything is electronic. Who needs exchange and delivery.

After all, most transactions are speculative and stay on the market...

BARS >> :

It's been a long time since the dough went anywhere... Everything is in electronic form. who needs an exchange, then delivery.

One hell of a lot of turnovers are speculative and stay in the market...

Do you think that billions of dollars (euros, .... et cetera) are sent in cash - are they voyages? Of course payments are made electronically. By the way only in the CIS space cashless and cash differ as a means of payment - in the rest of the world it is the same...

Good luck.

ZS and the size of the marginal spot cannot exceed the size of the real market. A simple example - if you don't have enough money in the bank, you won't get a loan from that bank even if you pay an initial deposit (think of it as a margin deposit to open a position ;) ). My point is that the speculative part of the market cannot exceed the real part. I'll say this straight away - the issue of collateralisation of the size of foreign exchange reserves is not addressed.