Using Neural Networks in Trading. - page 19


You can fix the flaws in neural networks if you know how:

See Why is the neural network retrained?

And if one doesn't know how, i.e. hands grow out of ass or brains are not enough for elementary education, then everything seems inapplicable, by the principle of moronic generalizing demagogy: if it didn't work for me, then it is inapplicable for everyone else as well.

Let's not get personal...

By and large, 99.999999999% of the people here have hands that grow from there.

At a glance I can only remember Zaitsev Yura, Junko Vadim (though we constantly quarrel with him), and about 5 more people whose names I do not know.

There are algorithms much more efficient than neural networks ...

As they say, "adios amigos"... don't overthink the thought process... Apparently it's not good for you.




The drawbacks of neural networks can be fixed, if you know how:

See Why is a neural network retrained?

And if one doesn't know and is not able to, i.e. hands grow out of ass or brains are not enough for elementary education, then everything seems inapplicable, by a principle of moronic generalizing demagogy: if it didn't work for me, it is inapplicable for everyone else as well.

There are algorithms much more efficient than neural networks...

When you demonstrate their great effectiveness, as in the article on the above link, then there will be a topic for further discussion.

At the moment you have not heard anything but unsubstantiated demagogy.

What you have or maybe you are lying is not the point. The point is that neural networks are publicly available and for autotrading they are quite applicable, despite all your demagogic statements with supposedly good intentions to protect the nerve cells of forum visitors.

I beg you, let's not do this again, one does not want to and the other does not need it, why are you digging again, people are not interested in the topic, I brought up the thread to figure out a particular direction.
I started this way myself. I'm begging you, let's not talk about it again, one does not want to and the other does not need it, you are digging, people are not interested in the topic, I brought it up to find out more about specific areas of volatility based on posts written by other people.

If you are interested in the subject, ask those who use it, otherwise they will send you to who knows where and for who knows why.

It's true that afterwards you'll be a great specialist, having dug through so much information. There's an upside to that.

I started out that way myself.

I have no idea what H-volatility is, but believe me it is of little use.

I started this thread to understand the specific direction of H-volatility

Well, then ask a specific question about volatility, i.e. what exactly is not clear to you? Then maybe someone will be willing to clarify the misunderstandings?

Otherwise you are asking for some nonsense, such as: Take it out of the bag and show me if you've understood it or not:


So has anyone figured out this H-volatility thing ?


I have no idea what H-volatility is, but believe me it's of little use.
Why, and how can you say it's of little use if you haven't even looked into it?
Because he is such a doer: he does not have the faintest idea about anything, but he thinks everything is useless, except his own demagoguery.

Yes we are all good.... and you're no better at it..... No, I really wanted to know if anyone was interested. You don't need it, but someone might have thought about it.

It all depends on what you want to get from the NS. If you want to get entry points it's one thing, if you want to get a forecast it's another. They are fundamentally different tasks. What you need this volatility for, I don't know...

As for Mr Reshetov... I have seen nothing else but empty statements about anything.

If the author of this thread really wants to understand something, he should refer to books, not here (on the forum). You will not get good answers here. NEVER. Remember that.

But on technological issues, yes.

With the advent of CUDA technology, for those who are not aware of it, let me explain: it is the use of computing capabilities of nVidia graphics cards, which
naturally implements parallel computing, works with NS acquire a kind of a second breath.
And I don't quite agree with colleagues who argue that NS for forex is supposedly inapplicable. I dare say
they are applicable, you just need to understand that random processes (quotes)
are used here as input data and you should at least understand this specifics in these very input data and not hope to get a grail, but
understanding limitations in forecasting possibilities with NS and work in this range, then everything will be OK.
Debugger: I have already written on this forum, but I will say it again, maybe I will save someone a few billion nerve cells and a lot of personal time.
So, neural networks are a powerful thing, but they are not applicable to forex.

Neural networks, as well as any other indicator is just a tool to make a profit in the financial markets and the way you use it, the profit you will get....))))