Testing real-time forecasting systems - page 77

mpeugep писал(а) >>

I used to write EAs on it, so I got used to it.

do you want to determine the effectiveness of your forecasting method?

Yes - by testing, which is what I do...

The second day of the forecast is coming to an end. To recap, the basic "attractors" (i.e. 200 trajectories formed the following "average" trajectories)

Identification unit being tested, instead of the 'ideal trajectory', chose the next one on Saturday, equals (it's not that difficult with them, in terms of choices, usually waiting for the first counts ...):

Throwing the track.

PS: Yay, I'm cool, I've implemented another feature in MT, - "skylining indicator", er I'm not entirely sure it works correctly

double getScaleParametr(double signal[])
   int i;
   int n;
   int m;
   double h;

   // +------------------------------------------------------+
   // |                       Интегрирование временного ряда |
   // +------------------------------------------------------+
   int N;
   int Nsignal;
   double delta[];
   Nsignal=ArraySize( signal);
   N= Nsignal-1;
   ArrayResize( delta, N);
   ArrayInitialize( delta, 0.0);
   for( n=0; n<= Nsignal-1; n++)
      if( n>0)
         delta[ i]=MathAbs( signal[ n]- signal[ n-1]);
         i= i+1;
   // +------------------------------------------------------+
   // |                       Расчет накопленного отклонения |
   // +------------------------------------------------------+
   double Mu;
   double SUM;
   double accumulateDeviation[];

   ArrayResize( accumulateDeviation, N);
   ArrayInitialize( accumulateDeviation, 0.0);
   Mu= getMu( delta);
   for( n=0; n<= N-1; n++)
      SUM= SUM+( delta[ n]- Mu);
      accumulateDeviation[ n]= SUM;
   // +------------------------------------------------------+
   // |                          Итерационный расчет матрицы |
   // +------------------------------------------------------+   
   int window;
   int s;
   int k;
   int M;
   int zone;
   double a;
   double b;
   double x[];
   double y[];
   double T[];
   double F[];
   double trend[];
   double regress[];

   ArrayResize( T, N- zone);
   ArrayInitialize( T, 0.0);   

   ArrayResize( F, N- zone);
   ArrayInitialize( F, 0.0);   
   for( window= zone; window<= N; window++)
      s=MathFloor( N/ window);

      ArrayResize( trend, s* window);      
      ArrayInitialize( trend, 0.0);
      for( n=0; n<= s-1; n++)
         ArrayResize( x, window);
         ArrayInitialize( x, 0.0);

         ArrayResize( y, window);
         ArrayInitialize( y, 0.0);
         for( m=0; m<= window-1; m++)
            x[ m]= m;
            y[ m]= accumulateDeviation[ m+ n* window];

         ArrayResize( regress, 2);
         ArrayInitialize( regress, 0.0);
         getLineRegression( regress, x, y);
         a= regress[0];
         b= regress[1];

         for( m=0; m<= window-1; m++)
            trend[ m+ n* window]= a+ b* x[ m];

      M=ArraySize( trend);
      for( k=0; k<= M-1; k++)
         SUM= SUM+MathPow(( accumulateDeviation[ k]- trend[ k]), 2);
      T[ i]=MathLog( window);
      F[ i]=MathLog(MathSqrt((1.0/ M)* SUM));

      i= i+1;

   ArrayResize( regress, 2);
   ArrayInitialize( regress, 0.0);
   getLineRegression( regress, T, F);
   h= regress[1];
   return( h);

Good day everyone!

Another forecast on the Dax:

Sell at market opening, target is 5777, stop in the 5827 area.

Account: 642842
Investment password: 1fisfwv
Server: BroCo-Demo


The opening was a gap, the stop on the SL_to_Bar indicator was 5861:


The position closed on the take:


Testing yesterday's theoretical conclusion, made in a state of expanded consciousness:

(no trading information!!! There are trajectories to 1.53, not so obvious)

forecast.rar  3 kb

Which would be more interesting in a "to be or not to be" sense:


Good afternoon!

The picture for the instrument FDAXZ9 (H1) today is as follows:

Sell at market opening, target is 5794, stop at indicator SL_to_Bar (5824).

Account: 642842
Investment password: 1fisfwv
Server: BroCo-Demo

The opening was a big gap to the forecast, having missed the take...if I have time I will recalculate the trajectories.