Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 78


To help get the tone of this thread going, I'm writing a new verse of mine:

Once again, it's frozen, and it looks safe.
The growth of the commodity economy,
Again it's urgent to address
The notorious Russian question.

"The temple of stability is burning hot",
"Ruble's devaluation betrayed,
"We're not in heaven but in hell
The bounty of oil and gas pipes.

"Crisis wanders with financial bat,
♪ And it's likely that until spring ♪
Futile loans and credits
Will squeeze everything out of the people's coffers.

Corruption metastasises everywhere,
The power cannot fight the misfortune-
How can we believe this verbal fornication?
Tell me, young President...?

Maximus_genuine писал(а) >>

Maximus_genuine >> :


For amateurs fried, info to think about.

Obama's deception

Galaxy писал(а) >>

For lovers fried, just a little something to think about.

Obama's deception.

well at least he bought a dog for the kids as promised ))

-star- писал(а) >> Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? Who has any thoughts on this?

What are your thoughts on this now?

LeoV >>:

Какие мысли на этот счёт сейчас?

Which, even then, is nonsense
LeoV >>:

Какие мысли на этот счёт сейчас?

Now we need to reword the question, like: Paper stamps, francs, pesos,..., will replace the euro by next spring.

LeoV писал(а) >>

What are your thoughts on this now?

Why did you ask that?

"Destroying the US is easier than most people think."