Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 74


Best of 9/11 - Loose Change: Second Edition -

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Mischek >> :

Yura, we are going around in circles, you need reliable information to assess anything.

You need reliable information to convert one into a dependent or non-dependent.

It's difficult with that, I doubt the heads of all the commissions have told you personally about their addiction or non addiction.

There's no such thing as reliable information in nature.

If you want it so much, meditation + concentration... And the whole world-universe is at your service.

And then... That would be your personal feelings, irrelevant to the case.

Zhunko >> :

There is no such thing as reliable information in nature.

If you want it so badly, meditation+concentration... And the whole world-universe is at your service.

And that... It'll be your own personal experiences, irrelevant.

There are no more twin towers, is that reliable?

But with meditation you can take the lift up to the observation deck and spit down

Mischek >> :

The twin towers are no longer there, is that a true story ?

But with meditation you may go up in a lift to the observation deck and spit down.

I saw an old movie. The towers are still there... That's just an example.

Actually, anything is possible. With these techniques, you can move anywhere in time and space. And not just in our space.

You'll get tired of figuring out what's real and what's not. You may say that everything is real and not real at the same time.

It all depends on your imagination.

Zhunko >> :

I saw an old film. The towers are in place... That's just an example.

Actually, anything is possible. With these techniques, you can move anywhere in time and space. And not just in our space.

You'll get tired of figuring out what's real and what's not. You can say that everything is real and not real at the same time.

It all depends on your imagination.

Thanks, I'm going the old-fashioned way, vodka, cucumber, potatoes and dill.

Mischek >> :

Thanks, I'll do it the old-fashioned way, vodka, cucumber, potatoes with dill.

This method is not old. It's about 200 years old. Maybe a little more... Actually, drugs weren't invented for permanent 'breaks'. They're like a short excursion. Then you have to go there yourself without the crutches of drugs. Otherwise, instead of an endless life, a quick relocation to a cemetery with a complete lack of understanding of what it was for.

Conscious work with your psyche will help in any case.

Drugs in Russia are a big separate topic.

I consider, that mass degradation of the population of Russia because of alcohol began from the moment of acceptance of Christianity. The breakage of old Slavic traditions and culture has not passed in vain for the population. We are still paying the price. But it should be over soon. Of course, it is good that the population of Slavs should not be less than a million, otherwise there will be no revival for sure.

Zhunko писал(а) >>

But it should be over soon.

Can you tell me more about that?

Yurixx >> :

Could you go into more detail here?

This is my personal feeling.

People are actively destroying their living environment, irrepressibly consuming what they don't need to live, then throwing it away and not disposing of it... We shit ourselves.

I heard somewhere about the extinction of about 100 species every day. In Brazil, forests are being cut down... Our land is flooded with oil... Landfills for radioactive waste...

Recently Makarevich broadcasted on TV to Pozner saying that Chinese people catch 150,000 sharks per day!!..

Will the living resources of the planet last long?

General insanity and a consumption frenzy... Sucking up the planet...

How long can it last? There is bound to be a defence against this contagion. There are bound to be cataclysms destroying people in large numbers.

It could be unknown diseases, world wars, planetary crop failures, some cosmic or tectonic problems, etc. ....


A very good friend of mine and his friends have been collecting material on alternative ideas for many years.

This archive has been put up on his FTP. There's months of reading in there. Lots of unconfirmed experiments. But a lot of already working samples.

If even a hundredth of it was used by people, disasters can be avoided.

Props for downloading:
User: zhunko_Guest
password: abd4vsuc

Zhunko писал(а) >>

There is bound to be an eXtection against this contagion. There are bound to be cataclysms destroying people in large numbers.

This is already happening. For example, the tsunami in Indonesia and Thailand. 130,000 people. The annual number of tornadoes in the Caribbean has increased.

Apparently this trend is going to increase.

But I thought you were referring to 2012. Also an interesting point.

Thanks for the archive, downloaded it. The topic is relevant.