Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 73

Mischek >> :

If Sabluk writes in swear words that I'm an asshole, that message will be more informative to me than your teenage discoveries

>> I'm sorry if it's wrong.

You're a sneaky chess player.

You once congratulated me on my birthday... now my hands are tied, I can't swear at you.

and Yurixx is an intellectual who doesn't swear

Mischek писал(а) >>

I have a favour to ask of you - don't write to me. It's not convenient to read, and reading your notes accompanying your maturation is ridiculous.

No problem. But don't get upset, it will pass. As you mature. :-)

sab1uk >> you said happy birthday to me the other day... now my hands are tied, I can't swear at you.

Oh, that's a good one. I have an unspoken non-aggression pact with some here too - even if I strongly disagree with what they write.

Please say whatever you like about me

And me, and me!

Yurixx >> :

Yep, the statement about maths education doesn't seem to be true at all.

The only method you are quite proficient at is labeling, which you have managed to demonstrate in this post as well. Unfortunately, this method does not meet any mathematical or humanities standard of discussion.

1. Reasoning about emptiness in mathematics is certainly interesting, but has nothing to do with the book or mathematics. The author of the book has expressed his opinion and, to the best of his ability, justified it. That's something. You might have missed it, but couldn't resist the urge to insert your five cents. That would have been OK, but you had nothing to say apart from the aforementioned labels. Your opinion is hanging in the air, resting on a void. Do you mean the void?

2. Exactly, there is nothing to prove. And your demand for proof from the start looked completely inappropriate. You don't agree with the author's version, you don't believe in it - fine, that's your inalienable right. But if you are so eager to get proof, then make sure that your position is also supported by evidence, at least facts. At least some of it.

You probably know the words "dilettante" and "professional"? Well, in things in which I am not strong (not an expert), I prefer the opinion of a professional. While about the more professional, independent and numerous commission which has investigated events of 9.11, I have not heard. And to read, support and savor the thoughts of dillitant publicists is your perfect right. Apparently you have similar qualities. The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar.

I personally, as well as many others present here, prefer to speak on the merits and rely on the opinions of professionals, official or not, but professionals.

So, for all those who like factual material, information for reflection and independent perception of the real processes in the world, and in particular for my friend Timbo, I suggest the following text:

... Statements that it is no longer relevant are not accepted and are qualified as cowardice and hypocrisy and inability to face the truth, therefore the proposed version and content of these events is much closer to the truth than all the official bullshit the US propaganda feeds the whole world with. But it is not even a question of propaganda, but of understanding what and how forces move the world in reality. And at the same time, it is about understanding the goals that these forces set. Anyone who supports these forces, even if only in words, thereby supports these goals and helps to achieve them.

Nothing personal, but such a text could only have been written by a person with little or no experience of life.

Galaxy >> :

You are probably familiar with the words "layman" and "professional"? Well, in things in which I am not strong (not an expert), I prefer the opinion of a professional. >> So far, I have not heard of a more professional, independent and numerous investigating committee than the one that investigated the events of 9.11.

The point is that the commissions were not independent. In other words, it was the people who were most interested in hiding the facts that were the ones who put the goats in the ground.

The research of Thierry Meyssan is independent in this case.

Reshetov >> :

Independent in this case are the studies of Thierry Meyssan

As well as by Giulietto Chiesa (MEP)

Giulietto Chiesa's personal page on the European Parliament website

In 2006, Chiesa organised, together with the Association Megachip, a working group that seeks to investigate the origins of the events of September 11th 2001. The official investigation and the generally accepted interpretation of the reasons for the tragedy by the media are heavily criticised. The documentary film "Zero Investigation" is released in 2007 and is based on the results of the investigation.

download the film here

Duration: 100 min + (7+74 min - discussion)
Translation: Professional (bi-voice)


Yura, we are going around in circles, you need reliable information to assess anything.

To transfer some people into dependence and others into non-dependence, you need reliable information.

It is difficult, I doubt that the heads of all commissions have informed you personally about their dependence or non-dependence

sab1uk >> :

>> let's download it.