Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 72

sab1uk >> :

It's very, very simple...

the behavior of such people is 100% reminiscent of my behavior a few years ago when a friend of mine dared to tell me that the 9-11 is bullshit

our discussion did not get into insults, but otherwise i defended my stupid position simply because i did not even think about it

This means that bears, timbo and others will sooner or later get to the truth

all they need to do is to impartially examine the cause and effect relationships of global processes

these connections are laid out in great detail in Perkins' book

books and movies about 911 and the spirits of time are entertainment material...

What is ripening?

One morning there will be a belief in this version.

Or do I have to go on some kind of special diet

Or learn this stuff by heart.

Or just take it on faith because you believe it.

What is ripening, what kind of process is that?

I have already written that there was no urgent removal of debris, I believe people who saw it with their own eyes, and you saw it.

What facts from the book have you seen with your own eyes or with the eyes of your friends you trust?

Global processes my ass, first tell me what this removal lie is about.

Mischek >> :

What is mature ?

One morning there will be a belief in this version.

Or do I have to go on some kind of special diet

Or learn this stuff by heart.

Or just take it on faith because you believe it.

What is ripening, what kind of process is that?

I already wrote that there was no urgent removal of debris, I believe people who saw it with their own eyes, and you saw it.

What facts from the book have you seen with your own eyes or with the eyes of your friends you trust?

What the fuck global processes, first explain the bullshit about exporting

Your ranting tone is indicative of something that confirms my assumptions.

i told you 911 is entertaining content it makes sense to discuss it after you get to know the underlying causes...

don't you want to know what's mature? listen to perkins. i'm not gonna post the book.

After Perkins, it probably won't even be interesting to investigate 911

sab1uk >> :

Your angry tone indicates something that confirms my assumptions.

i told you 911 is entertainment content which is worth discussing after you get to know the underlying causes...

don't you want to know what's mature? listen to perkins. i'm not gonna post the book.

after perkins, it's probably not even worth investigating 9-1-1 anymore.

10 hours of recording.

if I regret it.........)

Mischek >> :

10 hours of recording.

if I regret it .........)

I bet you won't regret it.

you'll probably listen to it 2 or 3 times as well

the story isn't boring because of the adventure story

sab1uk >> :

I bet you won't regret it.

you'll probably listen to it 2 or 3 times as well

the story isn't boring because of the adventure story

So it's fiction ?

Mischek >> :

So this is fiction?

Fuck, no, it's not.

Publishers who refused to publish the author for fear of publishing such things offered him the option of publishing under the guise of fiction.

The author refused and only published where he wanted to.

sab1uk >> :

>> oh, no, it's not fiction.

Publishers who refused to publish the author for fear of publishing such things offered him the option of publishing under the guise of fiction.

The author refused and only published where he could publish as he wanted.

>> all right, fuck.

Galaxy >> :

1. In mathematics, emptiness is not proved, its existence is axiomatic. If Somebody claims that something exists, he has to prove it.

2. "...As someone with a mathematical background, the claimant should know that if he does not agree with the author'sversion of the book, or with his arguments, he should give his evidence, or at least arguments why that version is wrong. The claim that the version is wrong because it is a conspiracy theory in which the applicant does not believe... "

Though I have non-humanitarian education, but I think that the word version is synonymous with hypothesis or assumption. What is there to prove then? Your contradiction need not be proven.

That's in maths. And here the US intelligence services were working. So you don't have to be a mathematician to guess that they tried to thoroughly destroy all or most of the evidence of their involvement in the destruction of the twin towers. But the so-called "evidence" of the alleged "terrorists" involvement has been presented with obvious flaws.

But this is not the first time in history. For example, at one time the US fabricated a duck story about Americans allegedly "landing on the moon". There was also provided "movie material" which made even not very experienced astronomers chuckle - the starry sky against which the American "astronauts" were mounted was obviously filmed from the ground but not from the moon. There were also other punctures in the provided so-called "documentary newsreel".

The point is that it is much harder to fabricate fried "facts" (as there are so many circumstances to consider) than it is to collect or destroy clear evidence. Any investigator can attest to this. As the "facts" were collected and processed by those who blew up the twins (let the goats in the garden), hence the results.

Mischek писал(а) >>

What is mature ?

One morning there will be a belief in this version.

Or do I have to go on some kind of special diet

Or learn this stuff by heart.

Or just take it on faith because you believe it.

What is ripening, what kind of process is that?

Mischek, that's a great question. And the process is even cooler. :-)

You don't think that your ideas, beliefs and knowledge will remain the same until you die. That would be unnatural and strange. On the contrary, it is human nature to change. It happens by itself, as one works (especially on oneself), learns, rests, communicates, in general - lives. There is only one detail - for this to happen, a person must aspire to something. And there are only two possibilities - a man either develops or degrades. There is no third possibility. You know that everybody develops in the youth and very many people degrade in the old age. That is because in youth everybody aspires to something, and in old age most people lose it.

By the way, what a person strives for has a significant impact on the process of maturation. Say, a person wants to buy a car. He has wanted it for three years and he bought it. But it is not so much the car that is important, as the experience, knowledge, principles that a man gained in the process of realization. He bought it and what is next? Either everything, then degradation, or a new aspiration has to be invented. If goals are too concrete, achievable, sooner or later a man gets bored of inventing new ones, after the next success. Therefore, strange as it may seem, it is better to have endless, eternal aspirations. For example, the aspiration to truth. And in the course of realization of this aspiration, it is possible to do everything else - to earn money, to buy cars, islands, etc.

From this, by the way, it follows that you do not necessarily agree with Perkins when you listen to or read his book. If it gets you thinking, questioning and figuring things out for yourself, building your own Rational Point of View, then that is the process of maturation. Even if your point of view is the opposite of what is stated in the book.

The process of maturation is what pulls a person out of the bourgeois-socialist swamp, and makes them an independent thinker, a real person.

The process of maturation is life, as long as we are in this process we live, as soon as we have finished it we begin to die.

So don't take Sabluk's words (read - mature) literally. It's always just a step. One more.

Yurixx >> :

Mischek, that's a great question. And the process is even cooler. :-)

You don't think that your ideas, beliefs and knowledge will remain the same until you die. That would be unnatural and strange. On the contrary, it is human nature to change. It happens by itself, as one works (especially on oneself), learns, rests, communicates, in general - lives. There is only one detail - for this to happen, a person must aspire to something. And there are only two possibilities - a man either develops or degrades. There is no third possibility. You know that everybody develops in the youth and very many people degrade in the old age. That is because in youth everybody aspires to something, and in old age most people lose it.

By the way, what a person strives for has a significant impact on the process of maturation. Say, a person wants to buy a car. He has wanted it for three years and he bought it. But it is not so much the car that is important, as the experience, knowledge, principles that a man gained in the process of realization. He bought it and what is next? Either everything, then degradation, or a new aspiration has to be invented. If goals are too concrete, achievable, sooner or later a man gets bored of inventing new ones, after the next success. Therefore, strange as it may seem, it is better to have endless, eternal aspirations. For example, the aspiration to truth. And in the course of realization of this aspiration, it is possible to do everything else - to earn money, to buy cars, islands, etc.

From this, by the way, it follows that you do not necessarily agree with Perkins when you listen to or read his book. If it gets you thinking, questioning and figuring things out for yourself, building your own Rational Point of View, then that is the process of maturation. Even if your point of view is the opposite of what is stated in the book.

The process of maturation is what pulls a person out of the bourgeois-socialist swamp, and makes them an independent thinker, a real person.

The process of maturation is life, as long as we are in this process we live, as soon as we have finished it we begin to die.

So don't take Sabluk's words (read - mature) literally. It's always just a step. One more.

I have a request to you - don't write to me . It is not convenient not to read and reading your notes accompanying your maturation is ridiculous.

If Sabluk writes in swear words that I'm an asshole, that message will be more informative to me than your teenage discoveries

Sorry if anything is wrong