Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 59

Prival писал(а) >>

Wouldn't have changed. And I'm glad the cow is dead (dying). From a neighbour who sleeps and sees how to bring Russia to its knees, who tries to make us look like idiots, dumbasses and ignoramuses. Who screws the whole world and has no intention of apologizing to anyone. Who does not just have blood on his hands, but has blood all over his head. There's no nation in the history of the earth that's spilled so much blood.

I am not going to rejoice that I am not living in my ancestral land, but in a monster country. For those who disagree and rejoice in America and believe it is the best country in the world, here is the link again. Fingers crossed how many corpses America has on its hands.

All the countries put together have not spilled as much blood in all their existence Rejoice and pray for your America. This is your ideal, my ideal looks different...

Thanks Prival, very valuable historical reference, added it to my favourites right away. But your conclusion that all countries combined did not spill that much blood is not supported by numbers. It also looks childish, like the attempts of one of the participants to overestimate the number of Ermak victims. We know how many people died in the first and second world war, in Stalin's camps, one can recall Pol Pot.

Attempts to place the sins of states on the shoulders of nations are counterproductive. Sorry, I can barely speak after a beer. :-)

FION >> :

An idea. The empire's most formidable weapon

Nothing to add, except that for the metropolis, finance has proven to be a more effective instrument of influence than armies in ancient times.


You guys are really going at it, aren't you?

It's spring, but there are wars to be fought, and Yermak the robber is involved. Americans have less history than we do. They had a civil war there too, if they had as much history as we do, there would be as many wars.

Hiroshima - Nagasaki blah blah blah... The Japanese were beating up Pearl Harbor.

Our people were beaten by the Nazis, Stalingrad Leningrad Kurs.

How many wars have there been inside Russia when the Slavs were beating the Slavs for power.

So what?

What are you proving?

To judge who has more blood, it is impossible to count.

Since ancient times, if you don't like it, you should beat it with a club.

It is no use trying to argue about who is right and who is wrong, because it has happened. We should only look at and draw conclusions as to how to avoid it in the future.

"History teaches us not to repeat mistakes".

P.S. You should not even bother with evolution for one simple reason:

This is a long process of physical and mental adaptation, because if the mind evolves, then the physiology will also change. This process is not quick, but takes a long time. It is a slow and steady process which makes it seem unnoticeable (no sudden changes, long time period smooths out the changes).

rsi писал(а) >>

And as for the lack of a well-developed theory, I really insist: there isn't one!

You don't have it and I do. And you cannot claim that it does not exist at all, until you are at least convinced that my theory does not correspond to the term "normally elaborated".

rsi wrote >>

As soon as it appears, you and I will certainly notice it, not in publications, but by the results of practical application.

Here you are right, when I had it, I noticed it. Not by publications. :-)))

As for its practical use, don't have too many illusions. In order for it to be applied in practice, the theory must be accepted by the scientific community, public opinion, and - most importantly - by the authorities. This is a very rare circumstance. The modern deadlock is that the power that now rules the world does not accept any other model than the one that is in crisis now and hopefully will soon rest in peace for good.

There were quite a few economic schools and models a century ago. The liberal-marginists won. The fruits of that victory are now being reaped. And some of the other approaches had very different, social orientations. And, by the way, insisted on an essential role of the state. I do not mean the socialism of the Soviet type.

rsi wrote(a) >>

But your hopes for some kind of elite are an illusion. But I cannot offer an alternative, alas.

Perhaps you misunderstand me. Throughout history, there have always been people who have been ahead of humanity, who have understood and understood what is happening, who have seen the way, and who have even given advice. But they have not always been listened to. More often they have been crucified, burned at the stake, declared insane, or simply not heard. This is the real elite of humanity. And those who call themselves elite are just as blind as the rest. The elite I am talking about is not a class, not a layer, not a group of people. Each of its representatives is an individual in its own right, a distinct personality.

And by the way, I don't rely on it. It is there, and that is enough. Read it carefully, I hope "that humanity will become aware of true values and turn around to face them".

One more thing. I don't actually like that word. But people are different, including their level of consciousness and spirit. My point is this.

paralocus писал(а) >>

You, my dear fellow, are a fatalist...

Only hiding your fatalism from yourself.


Forex is a paradoxical answer to our civilization. And we are here to digest it (assimilate it), to make it available to humanity.

And the best thing we can do is to trade, build grails and non-grails and try to make money here.

Look up what the word fatalist means in the dictionary and try to explain to me what it has to do with what I have said.

Forex is just a market. And trying to give it some special, let alone sacramental or civilizational meaning is like worshipping the biggest oak tree in the forest, because this oak tree is the FATHER OF THE WHOLE FALL!

There is another explanation though. In extolling the cause I am engaged in, I am extolling myself. Is it ? :-)

Yurixx >> :

In order for it to be put into practice, the theory has to be accepted by the scientific community, public opinion and, most importantly, the authorities. This is a very rare set of circumstances. The modern deadlock is that the government, which currently rules the world, does not accept any other model than the one which is undergoing a crisis and, hopefully, will soon rest in peace definitively.

This is where you have it wrong.

1. If a theory is worth anything, it doesn't need to be accepted.

2. In all likelihood, you're not the only one who's come up with it.

>> 3. So or so this idea will be noticed. Not some people, but others.

4. "In extolling the cause I am engaged in, I am extolling myself. It ? :-)" - past beer, as they say. I don't see the merit in doing a trade. Swinging a sword, that's heroism.

Let me explain:

Here is your appeal to the bright charisma of either the spiritual or intellectual elite:

"And I hope that humanity will realize true values and turn around to face them. And the leading role here should be played by people of the elite. But not the financial, economic, bureaucratic or anything like that. But the elite, which has always been ahead of humanity and has always shown the way. Although humanity has not always followed it."

You don't have to be a whiz in the head to understand how untenable it is. Nevertheless you insist on it.

Many famous revolutionaries from the Paris Commune to the Great October Revolution suffered from such "naive optimism", all the while demonstrating their

Practically a failure(inability) to deal with real life, which is what I call "fatalism inside out". I don't want to continue here with further psychoanalysis

of your texts here, and it's inappropriate.

Just consider that not states per se, and not individual historical figures(or Elites), but a tendency towards a faithless adherence to social and religious ideas has killed

more people than all of those already listed here. Maybe that is one of the main lessons of history. For me it is. And for you?

And I'd also like to point out that evolutionary change happens "in spite of" rather than "because of".

"because this oak is the Father of the whole forest!!! "Whether to worship it is up to you. But he is the FATHER.
paralocus писал(а) >>

You don't have to be a smart aleck to realise how untenable it is. Yet you insist on it.

Many famous revolutionaries from the Paris Commune to the Great October Revolution suffered from this "naive optimism", all the while demonstrating their

their practical incapacity for real life, which I call "fatalism inside out". I have no desire to continue here further psychoanalysis

of your texts here, and it's inappropriate.

It's a pity you didn't look up "fatalism" in a dictionary, I think it would have helped. Turning inside out is your right, just don't present it as a point of view. That is exactly what is not apparent here. This passage of yours demonstrates that. "You don't need to have a spanner in the head" is your main argument, followed by a couple of labels plus a display of deep knowledge of history using the phrase "from the Paris Commune to the Great October Revolution". Strong.

No wonder there is no desire to continue, it's a wonder there was a desire to start. Why should I?

Wave your sword and be a hero! Why do you need this nonsense?

Yurixx >> :

I wish you had looked up "fatalism" in a dictionary, I think it would have helped. Turning it inside out is your right, just don't present it as a point of view. That is exactly what is not apparent here. This passage of yours demonstrates that. "You don't need to have a spanner in the head" is the main argument, followed by a couple of labels plus a display of deep knowledge of history with the phrase "from the Paris Commune to the Great October Revolution". Strong.

No wonder there is no desire to continue, no wonder there was a desire to start. Why should I?

Wave your sword and be a hero! Why do you need this nonsense?

If I was not able to think and draw conclusions, you would not condescend to argue with me.

I guess I do.

Yurixx >> :

Interesting ideas about the culture of communication. It turns out you can't poke, you have to respect the person you're talking to. But you can use foul language and insult him in public. :-)

Dear Zen, as far as I'm concerned, you won't be offended if I use ... with a hmmm swear word?

If I put you off balance, go ahead.

paralocus >> :

It's a good idea and I have something to say...)

So start a new thread :)