Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 57

rsi >> :

I used to be somewhat confused by the parasitic nature of trading, but a comparison with the state convinced me that we are more useful parasites, because we don't hinder, but contribute to the development of society :-).

The ability to develop society is some kind of exclusivity of one's own trading activity, nothing more.

rsi писал(а) >>

Forex, like other global systems, seems to me to offer hope for a gradual realisation and acceptance of an interdependent and mutually insuring, mutually supportive system of civilisation's development. The growing community of traders may even serve as a prototype of a new global group interested in the stable living development of a new civilisation. Earlier I was somewhat confused by parasitic essence of trading, but comparing with the state persuaded me that we are more useful parasites, because we contribute to the development of society, not obstruct it :-).

What are you guys smoking? Give me a prescription - I want to decouple too.

rsi >>: I used to be somewhat confused by the parasitic nature of trading, but a comparison with the state convinced me that we are more useful parasites, because we do not hinder but contribute to the development of society :-).

Good words, makes you think. Maybe because in Russia the word 'speculator' has a stink to it. On the other hand, it is a different speculator because it does not perform intermediary functions as it did under the old Soviet system. That is, as it were, not a parasite. But still a parasite, because he does not produce anything (except money). But then the poet is also a parasite. Yeah, I'm confused...

Zen писал(а) >>

I support Sabluk - well done.

Zen wrote >>

Oh - and also - respect the other person - don't just shout at him or her, please.

Interesting ideas about the culture of communication. Poking, it turns out, is not allowed, you must respect your interlocutor. And you can swear at him and insult him in public. :-)

Dear Zen, as far as I'm concerned, you won't be offended if I use ... >> with a swear word?


An idea. The empire's most formidable weapon

FION писал(а) >>

What are you guys smoking? Give me a recipe - I want to get high, too.

No, there's no need for everyone to "get a taste". Before you open a beer, let me explain: participation is important, the right (living) process itself will learn. It's like an unconditioned reflex: you get burned, you remove your hand. In the global financial process, we are fast-acting cells.

Maximus_genuine >> :

Oh, people! How miserable you are,

Think of a higher light,
♪ Be kinder, like children ♪
And remember the hour of judgment.
Oh people! I pity you!


There's a definite rhyme that goes...

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Good words, it makes you think. Maybe because in Russia the word 'speculator' has a stink to it. On the other hand, it is a different speculator, as it does not act as an intermediary as in the old Soviet Union. That is, as it were, not a parasite. But still a parasite, because he does not produce anything (except money). But then the poet is also a parasite. Yeah, confused...

"A trader in Russia, more than a poet!" :-)

Mathemat >> :

Good words, it makes you think. Maybe because in Russia the word 'speculator' has a stink to it. On the other hand, it is a different speculator, as it does not act as an intermediary as in the old Soviet Union. That is, as it were, not a parasite. But still a parasite, because he does not produce anything (except money). But then the poet is also a parasite. Yeah, I'm confused...

Well, it's not hard to get untangled:

There is not, has not been and, I suppose, will not be a single living being in the world who does not live off other living beings.

As you see, the extreme degree of parasitism (forex) in fact turns out to be the realization of the principle of universal interconnection nothing more.

Mathemat >> :

That is to say, it is not a parasite. But still a parasite, because he does not produce anything (not counting money). But then the poet is also a parasite. Yeah, I'm confused.

And who does the liquidity in the markets ;)