Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 56

Yourmindmy >> :

>> him.

Why aren't you asleep yet - it must be 5:30 in Moscow?

it's time for bedtime - good night

Zen писал(а) >>
Ну - короче - делаем выводы - оппонентки затихли - думается, что поняли - франко-саксо-германом славян голыми руками не взять - хотя пропаганду среди славянских иммигрантов провели качественно - похвально. Будем наедятся, что наши хлопцы вернуться к правильному мировоззрению.

Why aren't you asleep yet - it must be 5:30 in Moscow?

I finally figured out why they're so quiet.

Zen >> :

So I think it is inappropriate to criticise Russia (Ukraine, Belarus - in short all Slavic countries) for not knowing how to live - they do know how to live. They just do not let them get back on their feet.

Oh - yes - respect your interlocutor - do not shout at him please.

You attribute to me here that I criticize the Russian people that he is not able to live. You pervert, what I have not mentioned at all. What the rude, respect the interlocutor. thus you confirm here that about what I wrote above. The power adjusts freedom of the people and a degree of its influence on power.A society gets used to what power gives it, a certain mentality is formed. If the influence of power in society is enough, if something is wrong, society starts to emerge under the influence of mentality and starts to pump the rights.

Crisis, the Bonds, Stalin, Khodorkovsky... Keep it simple, go... in the woods,

chop down the G-E-R-D-E, build a fence out of those poles, plant potatoes in the garden... :-о)

Yurixx писал(а) >>

Where does that come from?

Let's not lump everything together. Power will change when there is a critical mass of dissatisfaction with the current situation. It could be 100 people, if they are strong enough, or 100 million. However, a change in power and a change in the socio-economic model are different things. The answer to the question "what next?" depends precisely on that.

The constructive aim in transforming society is linked to a change in priorities, i.e. a change in the social system of values. Capitalism assumes material wealth, property and entrepreneurial freedom at its core. However, in reality these values are not an end but a means. This change took place because humanity has for a long time been limited to the material provisioning of its physical existence and the last phase of this process required the removal of all limits to its most effective development. This is why property was proclaimed in 1789 as "sacred and inviolable" and human freedom was expressed primarily in the freedom of enterprise.

In fact, theinternal, basic purpose of all civilizational progress was not the development of material production, or human wealth, but human evolution. The progress of science, technology and engineering, as well as the accumulation of material wealth, was merely the form that this evolution had at this stage.

Therefore, now that humanity's financial and economic problems, as well as the concentration of material wealth in the hands of a few, are becoming an obstacle to the free evolution of people, the constructive objective is to remove these obstacles and ensure all possibilities for the continuation of evolution.

This may seem too abstract to you, or unreasonable, but it is, after all, in an extremely concise form.

The means of achieving that goal is a much longer conversation, and has no place here.

I also understand your pessimism, I too am pessimistic when I look at the modern top management, both ours, as well as American, European.

There is, however, an optimistic note. Human civilization has been evolving for several tens of thousands of years. There was absolutely no need for people to realize this process, their own evolution, and even less so its purpose for this (until now!). The development proceeded irrespective of the presence or absence of such awareness or purposeful efforts on the part of man. It was rather conditioned by natural, objective laws of development of man and human society, than by any constructive purposes. Apparently, even at the present stage, if the correct path is not realised and realised, humanity will be led by the scruff of the neck to what it does not want to go voluntarily. Or it will cease to exist. :-)))

Thanks for the reply. I'm quoting in full as a lot of pages have been added during the 'bath and glass' day.

The main points of my post, as it seemed to me, are an unobvious hypothesis, your supposition. Has the a.c. right, as do many others in the absence of a properly worked out theory.

The purpose of civilisation, as thousands of years ago, remains survival. It leads with necessity to development and progress in the process of evolution. And here I completely agree with you - it did not require awareness, and objectively worked. Now, indeed, the concentration of funds and resources (including destructive ones) in the hands of not many people becomes not even an obstacle to development, but a threat to survival. And here, we cannot do without awareness, modelling of the process in order to predict the consequences of certain actions.

But there are almost no models, no awareness. And that is where the old reflex of searching for the source of the threat, the culprit, the external enemy, kicks in. The desire to neutralize the threat.

But the world is already small, and there are no external enemies - everyone has become one's own (although even on our forum, not everyone has realised this yet). A common information space, tourism, sports, music, cinema. Many have relatives all over the world. I'm sure that if Prival went to the States at least for a couple of months, talked to people, he would not be so happy that "the neighbour's cow died".

I am not trying to whitewash the past crimes of states and individuals. One should know history. But the old model, alas, is inadequate. There is no point in hoping that we will be led by the scruff of the neck onto the right path.

Forex, like other global systems, seems to me to offer hope for a gradual realisation and acceptance of an interdependent and mutually insuring, mutually supportive system of civilisation's development. The growing community of traders may even serve as a prototype of a new global group interested in the stable living development of a new civilisation. Earlier I was somewhat confused by parasitic essence of trading, but comparing to the state, I was convinced that we are more useful parasites, because we contribute to the development of society, not obstruct it :-).

I'm in the countryside again. I go hunting,
I write my poems - life is easy.
Yesterday, tired of walking through the swamp,
I wandered into the barn and fell deeply asleep.
I woke up to the broad slits of the barn
The sun's cheerful rays are gazing.
A dove cooing; over the roof I flew,
The young rooks are screaming;
There's another bird in the air.
I recognised a crow by its shadow;
A whispering whisper... and there's a string
Along the slit of attentive eyes!
All gray, brown, and blue eyes
mingled like flowers in a field.
There's so much peace, so much freedom, so much tenderness,
They're full of holy goodness!
Zen >> :

We can start a debate about mate - if you please.

It's a good idea and I have something to say...))

rsi >> :

Forex, like other global systems, seems to me to offer hope for the gradual realisation and acceptance of an interdependent and mutually insuring, mutually supportive system of civilisation's development. The growing community of traders may even serve as a prototype of a new global group interested in the stable living development of a new civilisation. Earlier I was somewhat confused by parasitic nature of trading, but comparing it with the state convinced me that we are more useful parasites, because we contribute to the development of society, not obstruct it :-).

>> Score!

>> I join in.


Oh people! How miserable you are,
How miserable and horrible you are,
You've forgotten the devil and God,
♪ You've closed the Star Trek ♪
♪ And you're lost in the dark ♪
Caring for yourselves.

You've forgotten about the Middle One,
♪ You've ruined our nature ♪
You made up your own laws,
You've got your own laws, you've got your own fences,
And you've been hoarding your wealth,
Forgetting the good word "brotherhood".

Think of a higher light,
Become kinder, like children,
And remember the hour of judgment.
Oh, men! How I pity you!!!