Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 46

timbo писал(а) >>

Nevertheless, Kudrin was right about the oil price. He is right about many other things. His word carries a lot of weight and that is an objective fact. To call him a moron is to sign his own stupidity. He was able to save up for the country while the rest of us were mindlessly spending.

There was no twisting. The quote I gave was in response to Russia and China proposing a new world currency, as Kudrin says exactly that in front of foreign journalists after the G20 ministerial meeting. Read it carefully: This was the view expressed by Alexei Kudrin, Russia's deputy prime minister and finance minister, speaking at a press conference in Horsham, England.

Amero was brought in by a Vesti journalist, the bourgeois didn't get around to it. Kudrin didn't stoop to discussing obvious nonsense either, he just repeated his point about the world currency.

Timbo, read carefully ! I wrote "Timbo's comment is actually taken from Rambler" precisely so that no one would think you were twisting it. And you could have pointed that out in your post. And since you made a pure copy-paste, with no reservations, one wonders if that's what you think too, maybe you completely agree with the twist.

Regarding Kudrin's predictions and his correctness, since you don't get it that way, I'll put it more figuratively:

I argue that the dollar against the euro will fall (I really think so). And, imagine, I will say so in a year, and in two, and in three. How is the prediction? What do you think? I can only be wrong if it will grow all the time. And since that's impossible, I'm bound to be right. And that is exactly what happened to Kudrin, who was asked the question at the right time. And before that he was wrong for three years, i.e. all the time oil was rising from 40 to 140. So what is the price of such "foresight"? If you, Timbo, had followed his advice in the oil futures game those three years, you would have gone down the drain a long time ago.

About Kudrin "being able to save up for the country" is, sorry, childish. Putin was able to save for the country when he stopped the mess and embezzlement that Yeltsin left behind. Kudrin, on the other hand, is just a doer. And he is completely devoid of imagination, a primitive copycat of American prescriptions. That is why he has "a lot of weight" and all sorts of titles - the bows that the West hands out to obedient underdeveloped kids.

By the way, almost half of what Kudrin "managed to accumulate" over the years (!!!) of rising oil prices was squandered in some 4-5 months of crisis. And that's not because the CBR chairman is like that. It is because that is the policy of the entire Kudrin team. That is, this entire team is like its boss.

Yurixx >> :

By the way, almost half of what Kudrin "managed to save" over the years (!!!) of rising oil prices was squandered in a mere 4-5 months of crisis. This is not because the CBR chairman is like that. It is because that is the policy of the entire Kudrin team. That is, this entire team is like its boss.

The deer could not have built any factories with some of that money. We only haul in 20 million tonnes of cement a year from abroad.

What is our company debt = stab fund, in short this stab fund has long been given to the west as a pledge ... and now we are saving our companies.


By the way, on the subject of the US crackdown on bankrupt companies and their top managers. The train has already left the station, of course, but it's well-written.

Но основная интрига недели вертелась вокруг бонусов для менеджеров финансовых компаний, получающих помощь государства – и вот тут поднялась такая волна возмущения, что последствия оказались серьёзными. Генеральный прокурор штата Нью-Йорк Эндрю Куомо затребовал список тех сотрудников Merrill Lynch, что получили премии перед поглощением со стороны Bank of America – менеджеры последнего робко попросили сохранить оные имена в секрете, однако были в грубой форме посланы подальше: более того, им дали понять, что именно огласка является одной из целей всего мероприятия. Ещё более жестокая буря поднялась вокруг AIG – премии сотрудникам которого вызвали дикую ярость со всех сторон; эта ярость вскоре направилась на весь финансовый сектор, ибо, как стало известно, страховщик имел привычку выписывать кучу изначально выглядевших очень сомнительно обязательств крупным банкам – так что федеральная помощь шла в основном на погашение долгов именно перед этими банками, а вся эта операция выглядела как вполне банальное присвоение средств налогоплательщиков плутократией. Как и следовало ожидать, раскрытие названий основных получателей денег от AIG не принесло сюрпризов – разумеется, впереди планеты всей гордо шествует Goldman Sachs (отхвативший почти 13 млрд. долларов платежей AIG): в этой связи как глупая комедия воспринималось возмущение главы ФРБ Нью-Йорка Уильяма Дадли, бывшего главного экономиста Гольдмана – что вызвало массу ехидных комментариев.

However, soon it was no laughing matter: President Obama lashed out at AIG and the Cuomo prosecutor threatened to launch a criminal investigation and demanded the names of all the recipients of the bonuses - especially everybody was furious that the derivatives department, which made tens of billions of dollars in losses, got big bonuses. Treasury Secretary Geithner said it was time to simply bankrupt the villains, Obama demanded the money back by any means necessary, while Edward Liddy, head of the insurance group, rushed to parliament in a frightened whisper that his people had already received letters threatening to hang them ("on string wires") - one of the letters read (verbatim) "If the state fails, we will do it with our own hands - and personally I will soon know the names of all you and your children along with your addresses" - but the head of the Congressional Financial Services Committee, Bernie Frank, responded to these attempts to appease himself by casting an icy gaze over Liddy and throwing "It's nothing: give me all the names". The bonus recipients were horrified and hurriedly started "voluntarily" to return the money - but it didn't help: the House of Representatives instantly passed a law levying a 90% income tax on large bonuses in companies which received considerable help from the Treasury - with Tax Committee Chairman Charles Rangel making clear that the 100% rate wasn't imposed, just so that states and municipalities could impose their taxes as well, withdrawing the remaining 10% of such bonuses to local coffers. The public fury was so great that neither the peace activists nor their lawyers even tried to change anything - they were obviously scared for their lives and got quiet. Well, dear Russians are left to stare bleakly at all this - while reading about how 23 members of the board of Sberbank, which receives huge government assistance, are being given bonuses of an average of 41 million rubles ($1.25 million) each...

This is from here:
Yurixx >> :

Timbo, read carefully ! I wrote "Timbo's comment is actually taken from Rambler" just so no one would think you were twisting it. And you could have pointed that out in your post. And since you made a pure copy-paste, with no reservations, one wonders if that's what you think too, maybe you completely agree with the twisting.

And I am defending Rambler, as well as the dozens of other news outlets that have printed about it. There was no twisting. At the press conference Kudrin was asked about the world currency, not the Amero, he replied about the world currency. My post came next, after the post with a link to an article with Russia and China's proposal for a new world currency. I cited the interview to Vesti as additional information, there Kudrin talks about other things besides the world currency, which may be of interest to some. He doesn't speak about Amero at all, that nonsense was uttered by the journalist without any understanding of what he speaks about - read Kudrin's words, not the journalist's.

Yurixx >> :

I argue that the dollar will fall against the euro (I really think so). And, imagine, I will be saying that in a year, two years or three. How's the prediction? What do you think? I can only be wrong if it will grow all the time. And since that's impossible, I'm bound to be right. And that is exactly what happened to Kudrin, who was asked the question at the right time. And before that he was wrong for three years, i.e. all the time oil was rising from 40 to 140. So what is the price of such "foresight" ? If you, Timbo, had followed his advice in the oil futures game those three years, you would have gone down the drain a long time ago.

For three years oil has been rising from 60, i.e. above today's level. The value of Kudrin's foresight is that he argued that one cannot hope that the price of oil will be consistently high, as Putin and co. argued. Kudrin predicted that the price of oil was unpredictable and that its fall was real. He said this when the official policy of the country was "the time of low oil prices is over". He was not trying to be Cassandra, but was trying to encourage the government to save and prepare for hard times. I agree that Kudrin cannot be an independent figure in Russian politics, but that does not detract from his knowledge and experience.

timbo писал(а) >>

You are a big fan of facts. Every time you demand corroboration, references etc. In this case, you provided links that speak for themselves. When I quoted those "profound" statements with my own comments, you start squirming and wiggling again. Instead of the specific text that you yourself referred to, you substitute your own interpretation and understanding. For God's sake, interpret as you wish, just don't make it out to be the real situation.

And don't advise me to read Kudrin's words either. I have already shown you who among us cannot read, and you are at it again. Kudrin's words are quoted along with the journalist's question in my post. It's not my own imagination and it was you who referred to them. So if you have trouble understanding whether you're talking about Amero or not, then write your questions to the Vesti editorial board. And if Kudrin said something else, where is the link? Think before you post here, then there won't be any confusion.

But then again, this is fiddling about trivialities. I have a couple of principle questions for you. If you can think for yourself and be honest, everything will become clear at once.

1. How valid and credible do you consider Kudrin's prediction about 30 years ?

2. If you love and trust the States so much and have so much respect for Kudrin, how do you assess the following fact. The Russian financial authorities, in an attempt to reduce the demand for dollars and the outflow of currency from the country, have been pursuing a policy of shrinking the money supply and raising the overnight rate throughout the crisis. This is in total contradiction to the American recipes of filling the economy with free money and lowering the discount rate to revive lending. So why does Kudrin go against his American mentors and continue to be, by your estimation, clever after that? After all, such actions unambiguously hurt the real sector and bring down the economy. And they don't solve the problem of demand for dollars and currency outflows, as life has shown.

You shouldn't insult Kudrin so much. He held the fund in US long bonds and therefore almost no losses were incurred. And the fact that the capitalisation fell is not his fault - investors fled Russia like crazy after the war with Georgia. That is why liquidity had to be maintained from the fund. And what about "not building, not investing in technology and agriculture" and so on, what has Kudrin and Putin got to do with it - it's capitalism and it's a private business. This is just capitalism and capitalists in Russia - why bother to think about it, we are already well fed...
FION >> :
You should not insult Kudrin so much. He kept the fund in US long bonds and therefore almost no losses were incurred. The fact that the capitalisation fell is not his fault, investors fled Russia like crazy after the war with Georgia. That is why liquidity had to be maintained from the fund. As for "not building, not investing in technology and agriculture," and so on, that has nothing to do with Kudrin or Putin.

Without government support, developing something is a dead end ...

Japan came out on top because of government support.

Their entire industry was developed from scratch using advanced technology.

In our country they invest a lot of money in old plants instead of creating a new industry.

Yurixx >> :

You are a big fan of facts. Every time you demand corroboration, references etc. In this case I gave you links that speak for themselves.

But which you didn't bother to read. Once again, Rambler is primary because it happened BEFORE, the news was broadcast by all Russian and foreign channels. The interview with Vesti is secondary, no one gave it apart from Vesti. You are twisting the truth again.

Answers to questions later.

BARS писал(а) >>

Without government support, developing something is a dead end ...

Japan came out on top because of government support.

Their entire industry was developed from scratch using advanced technology.

As for us, we will spend a lot of money on old plants instead of building new advanced industries.

No matter what kind of party we formed - we will end up with the Communist Party, no matter what kind of capitalism we build - we will end up with socialism, where the chairman of the Regional Committee is replaced by the governor and the factory director is replaced by an oligarch.