Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 44

-star- писал(а) >>
Whoever uses another uncensored word is full of ...........!

) I wonder if it's just me who hears that, I'm reminded of my carefree childhood, my friends in the sandpit? )

sab1uk wrote(a) >>


>> Don't be like that, there are ladies here, and considering how young trading has become, there might be kids too.)

sab1uk >> :

I'll tell you more, Ilya. The whole history of the USA started with the dunces and weaklings from all over the world, driven by the dream of getting a free ride somewhere in the faraway lands (for the native Indians, it was the bad luck that Columbus sailed to the wrong place, and we are missing a civilization). No wonder that with the lapse of centuries, when it formed a nation which is constantly being fed with more and more immigrants ("why should I go there, everything is ready"), the whole world economy has such a deeply integrated parasite, that by hook or by crook, it can't be erased.

And to those who are recommending to read all kinds of textbooks on economics I can recommend to start to study economic history, you can start with the ideas of Plato and others, maybe you'll have your own ideas and you won't need textbooks anymore.

sab1uk >> :

>> ignorance is worse than mouthing off and being rude.

I agree of course.

The thread has turned into an argument between pro-Westerners and patriots, an argument silly in its essence, especially for traders

It is like when you argue that USDRUR should only be settled, that only suckers, Germans' mercenaries, American crooks and weak-minded people fooled by false propaganda of the West can buy it.

sab1uk писал(а) >>

ignorance is scarier than mate and rudeness.

Sabluk, people here are patient with all kinds of sick people, and I respect them for that. Can tolerate you for a long time.

I don't. If you have a problem, if you can't communicate within the limits, go somewhere else.

Even if you're three times a patriot and twice anti-American, I don't care.

One black-hearted bozo disgraces the Russian people worse than 20 pro-Western agitators.

If you vomit all over this forum with your filthy spew, you will be out of here forever.


Delete every single one of your obscene posts.


Interesting developments are unfolding in the States. The FED has launched its plans to buy Treasuries. Quote from a note on this:

US, UK Throw Auctions; No One Comes

Minyanville Staff Mar 25, 2009 4:50 pm

On the very same day that the Fed started its Quantitative Easing (QE) program (by buying US Treasuries in the open market in an attempt to drive long-term interest rates), the UK had a failed bond auction. The UK Treasury tried to raise 1.75 billion pounds of 40-year Gilts, but investors only bid for 1.63 billion pounds. It was the first failed conventional auction since 1995.

Our Fed and Treasury have chosen to follow the same QE programme as the UK. The message investors are sending is pretty simple: If long-term interest rates are manipulated down, they aren't going to play. That means higher rates are inevitable.

I wonder what the FED will do with liquidity and the discount rate if this programme goes bust?


First of all, gentlemen, the implication is that this forum has gathered people who are pragmatic, as trading requires exactly this quality, otherwise MK. And patriotism and pro-Westernism are typical stencils that get in the way of thinking.

I tried to analyze the global changes of tectonic plates as objectively as possible, to try to predict the future of our children (those who have them will understand).

I wanted to hear the reasoned opinions of opposing sides, people seriously engaged in market research, pragmatists.

But the heel scare them away with their underwear. Often people do exactly that, when they subconsciously feel that their arguments are stalemated, but their ego does not let them agree and they reply with a "you are a fool" type of answer at best.

Referring to "yellow" press sources is not a method of reasoning and certainly not an argument.

Targeted propaganda is everywhere both in the West and in the East, it is not important, what matters is how many people understand it. Or in other words, how effective this propaganda is. And to my great regret it is more effective in the CIS. If you are interested I can argue it. But I think no one needs it, because being pragmatists it makes no sense.

And for the sake of a quote:

"We wanted the best, but it turned out as always" (V. Chernomyrdin).

As for the idea of a single global currency, Kudrin said that it cannot be created in the near future. "There will definitely not be a single world currency in the next 30 years, and then we'll see," Kudrin said.


Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin gave an exclusive interview to Vesti. He spoke about the results of the G20 meeting, which ended in Horsham, England, and the Russian government's anti-crisis plan .

Will someone sum it up? Or does everyone just stick to their guns? -I don't have time to read so many flubbery pages ... :-о)
Yurixx >> :

Sabluk, people here are patient with all kinds of sick people, and I respect them for that. Can tolerate you for a long time.

I don't. If you have a problem, if you can't communicate within limits, go somewhere else.

Even if you're three times a patriot and twice anti-American, I don't care.

One black-hearted bozo disgraces the Russian people worse than 20 pro-Western agitators.

If you vomit all over this forum with your filthy spew, you will be out of here forever.


Delete every single one of your obscene posts.

I'm not going to delete anything.

You're trying to scare me into leaving forever.

Your opinion weighs as much as mine.

>> the Russian people are disgraced by ignorant immigrants who are waiting for us all to die of defaults and drug trafficking.

There is no point in anyone naively trying to discuss anything objectively with such immigrants