Sart, what do you think of Doe? - page 4

Mathemat >> :

appears to be developing a killer C wave, i.e. a fifth wave from the absolute historic high of the Dow

yeah, it looks like that... and there's likely to be a lengthening... so I wouldn't risk detailing it now... extensions are a tricky thing...


It seems to me that such a stressful market and TA are not compatible. And looking at the fundamentals, I think that for some time (a month or less) the market will fall, but sluggishly, back and forth, but with a downward slope (realists will fight (realizing that the rope cannot be spun) as bears, and fairy tales (believing in fairy tales and abilities of the new administration) as bulls). It will go up to 6000, will gain some ground, and there will be the correction to 10000, which is due to temporary improvements of indicators after the injections, sanations and resuscitations. And what will happen after that, it is hard to guess... Our stock market will parrot the market as usual and hit the bottom as well - may be it is time to become an "investor in oil sector"?) We'll see.


By the way, note that Prechter's diaries are on a logarithmic scale. Fibo proportions are more accurate that way.

P.S. Sorry, it's monthly.


Don't scare me, Figar0, it's already scary... :)

maybe it's not the right scenario... or not quite right...

Mathemat >> :

By the way, note that Prechter's diaries are on a logarithmic scale. Fibo proportions are more accurate that way.

Yes, that's not unimportant either... and it's not Prechter, Alexei... it's a prediction made by some other analyst... can't remember the name, Prechter just posted it on the website...

I didn't pay much attention to this prediction at the time... I just kept it as a reminder of one of the possibilities... and I remembered it only around October, in the midst of the crisis...

Vinsent_Vega писал(а) >>

Don't scare me, Figar0, it's already scary... :)

maybe it's not the right scenario... or not quite right...

I'm scared myself) In a way, materially, I'd be glad to be wrong in this case. And I certainly wouldn't be upset if I was wrong)

sab1uk >> :

Hi Matemat.

You may not be aware that Sart has had his username stolen and he's been bilked out of his webmoney.

So he either does not visit the forum or he really drank himself to death and asked for a loan

that's what the waves of eejit can do )

It was myself. I did not "lure" them out, but directly and openly asked for help. Many of my acquaintances in Ukraine have indeed become alcoholics.

I can not get drunk - no more than a glass in me, and a hangover nauseous not only from vodka, but also from beer. So here and agonize.

I don't know about Russia now, but in Ukraine, if you look around attentively, it is not hard to get drunk.

By the way, I am still willing to help.

Urgently need 1000 WMZ. I will be grateful to everyone who, without unnecessary questions and arguments will help.

In a month I will return the debt, and in a month I will return the same amount, as a thank you for support.

My purse: Z585 037 792 767

I will tell you how I found myself in such a desperate situation, in the words of the V.S.V:

"For what is this fate,

"ridiculous fate,

not that I don't know -

I can't tell you!"

No matter what I say here, no one will believe me. I'd also like to note that one of the participants of this forum, a highly respected and well-known

has already responded to my call for help.

Sart >> :

So it wasn't the waves of the Iiota that got you, it was the orange ghouls?

You were bragging about your countrymenhip with Tymoshenko.)

Of course our unemployment went up too, but you guys are facing a default.

sab1uk >> :

So it wasn't the waves of the Iiota that got you, it was the orange ghouls?

You were bragging about your countrymenhip with Tymoshenko.)

Our unemployment has risen too, of course, but you're facing a default.

If you look at the process from a distance, from a perspective, so to speak, the "Orange Ghouls" as you call them, have fulfilled their historic role.

Not everything is done as quickly as one would like it to be. The 80-90% of managers are old cadres, who have contempt for the people in their blood. The people are still "cattle" to them.

They'll "get anyone" if they give the command "fas !".

But if you remember the old anecdote about Nixon and Brezhnev arguing about where there is more democracy, in the USSR or the United States, it now reads like this:


Anyone can go out on Khreshchatyk and shout as much as he wants: Yushchenko is a fool. And he will not be punished for it.


And in our country anyone can go to the Red Square and shout as much as he wants: Yushchenko is a fool. And he will not be punished for it either.


Time Warp

Благодаря съемкам на высокоскоростные камеры высокой четкости вы увидите движения, которые природа спрятала от наших глаз. Откройте вместе с ведущим Джефом Либерманом альтернативную реальность, где предметы, казавшиеся неподвижными, приобретают завораживающую динамику, а знакомые вещи предстают в самых фантастических очертаниях. В этой реальности воздушный шарик, наполненный водой, лопаясь, выглядит как расцветающий фейерверк, пуля летит медленно и плавно, оставляя за собой шлейф рассекаемого воздуха, а нос боксера под воздействием удара меняет форму, словно сделанный из пластилина.