Casting for the team.... - page 16

BabyBear писал(а) >>

I will join an interesting project.

Something is draining the bear, not a very interesting project.

The trading interval on the PAMM account is completed.
The increase during the whole period of work was -65.78 %
LProgrammer писал(а) >>

Oh, there's Leo... Hi! :) You seem kind today... kind of... :)))

Well,you're not vindictive,either,I take it --...... Just angry and good memory.....)))))

P.S. How's your most awesomely popular and terribly trendy forum doing? Users are tearing it apart, I hope?

Figar0 писал(а) >>

Something's merging bear, not a very interesting project.

Completed a trading interval on the PAMM-account.
The growth during this time was: -65.78 %

But you've heard of me! ((c) Pirates of the Caribbean I )


LProgrammer писал(а) >>
I've got some black optimization going on... Just started in the morning and it's gonna fart for a week.

Muzzor wrote(a) >>

- What, are you jerking off?
- I'm jerking off.
- You wanna come?
- I do!
- Then jerk yourself off

+1 =)

LProgrammer, what's the cross on the eu?

LeoV писал(а) >>

And you, I take it, are not vindictive...... Just angry and with a good memory.....)))))

P.S. How's your most awesomely popular and terribly trendy forum doing? Members are tearing it apart, I hope?

Well, that wasn't its mission either... It's doing its job well.

BabyBear писал(а) >>

I will join an interesting project.

Accepted... I'll let everyone go... As soon as I'm ready to say the right words... :)

Everyone, even those who unfortunately, due to insufficient, so to speak, free places, I can invite... I'll say it again, I'll be sure to write to everyone. Forgive me for being silent for now...


LProgrammer, чё за кросс по евре ?

Take a guess... :)


Forget it =)

You try to achieve this result on trending pairs

MaStak писал(а) >>


Forget it =)

You try to achieve this result on trending pairs

:) You seem to act literally... :) ... Pair to calculate like shit from the data I gave...

But not EURGPB... :)

LProgrammer писал(а) >>

Well, that wasn't his job either... He's doing his job clearly.

Yeah..... couldn't be clearer..... MQL rests at.....)))))