Casting for the team.... - page 10

LProgrammer >> :

I have a lot of experience of being 'motivated' by money ... :) Somehow not motivated ... And so, for general development - money is a very, very weak motivation. Well, I'm afraid that few people here would understand these high matter... Half of us here the word "loaded" makes us think of Chumak... :)) I guess there's a strong association...

That is why they have to earn the money themselves.

I don't believe in a lot of experience... If you need a specialist, then it's a high-paying job... That's what the first post was about...

that's why the second post should have offered 10 grand at least... an expert can't be without trousers - it goes without saying...

If you want to start an interest club, you should write it that way. You are not good at psychology and 9 pages proves it.

Motivation comes in many forms and money is a good motivation, you just do not know how to offer it in the right form, you just demand it and do not offer anything in return.

and offer nothing in return...

Most of us earn the money ourselves which is natural... you can go on and on but it loses all meaning...

learn how to learn, you don't know how to learn, which means you're inexperienced no matter how old you are... you're young...

LProgrammer писал(а) >>

I read the thread.

Well, let's say I fit all the parameters (except I haven't worked, in a bank).

But there is one question, why should I join the team?

What will it give me personally? What can you interest a self-sufficient person who values his time ?

timbo писал(а) >>

Meet all the requirements, but have no desire to be part of a team. There is no harmony in this world.

In all seriousness, the announcement shows no incentives, no ideas, no perspectives. Then why? To bunch up and enjoy your awesomeness? If there is no more productive idea than "I want to create a robot", then one head or ten makes no difference, it is not a situation where more is better.

Well, to do... It's a pity you don't have the desire...

Panzer писал(а) >>

You have a lot of experience with your tongue. You haven't been sucking off your friend Andrew... or he won't let you have it so hard.

Every time you open a topic you make a fuss. Go with your ideas... :

I wonder what percentage of violent raving lunatics there are... ? Forex attracts them. It's a shame that bad luck doesn't walk alone... Intellectuals are rare among them.

keekkenen писал(а) >>

I don't believe in a lot of experience... if a specialist is needed, then it's a high paying job... that's what the first post was about...

that's why the second post should have offered 10 grand at least... a specialist can't be without trousers - it goes without saying...

If you want to start an interest club, then write it that way. You have poor psychology and 9 pages proves it.

Motivation comes in many forms and money is a good motivation, you just do not know how to offer it in the right form, you just demand it and do not offer anything in return.

and offer nothing in return...

Most of us earn money ourselves, which is natural... you could go on and on, but it would lose all meaning...

learn how to learn, you are inexperienced, no matter how old you are... you are young...

Ha-ha... i am very good at psychology :) -- and that's the kind of "counselors" that show up right away.

Hint - motivation is not a household concept, not for the kitchen, for fuck's sake... There are scientific studies, money is not a motivation at all, just so you know. :)

LProgrammer >> :

Well, to do... it's a pity you don't have the will to...

Timbo asked the question for a reason. The proposal does not state a creative idea that could enthuse people.

Prival писал(а) >>

I read the thread.

Well, let's say I fit all the parameters (except I haven't worked, in a bank).

But there is one question, why should I join the team?

What will it give me personally? What can you do to interest a self-sufficient person who values his time?

Here the situation is simple, if a person is self-sufficient, then there won't be much interest in him ... Because you need a team player. Stand-alone but a team player.

Prival, reading your posts on this forum I can say you are quite, if not better than everyone here (I mean the constants, those in the know) master the subject, but unfortunately, it seems to me that together we won't get productive work. You're completely unconvinced of your victory. You're already bored. What you need is courage. That goes for the rest of us, too. I'm sorry, but I didn't say anything negative or insulting. ;)

granit77 писал(а) >>

Timbo asked the question for a reason. The proposal did not state a creative idea that could enthuse people.

A creative idea, for observant people, was stated. And that's just the way it is, publicising it is harmful. The market can only be fooled, it cannot be outplayed... "honestly" :)

LProgrammer >> :

Yes, militant greyness ... You can still check my syntax errors...

There are many things I can do to you, like tell you to go fuck yourself.

LProgrammer писал(а) >>

..You are completely discouraged from winning. You're bored already. What you need is courage...

No, I'm not. I mean, I used to have faith. Now I know it's possible and it's working. (And the courage is just what prevents, cold and sober calculation. Grandpa Elder was right).

I got bored, not on Forex, but on forum. I valued my time before, but now it is even more valuable (at least for me).

In my opinion, a trader is someone who is interested in trading, not in the abstract. I think a trader is someone who seeks freedom: financial, creative, and he is independent at his core, this is what attracts me to Forex, everything depends on me, on my knowledge, experience and skills. A trader is not a team player, but he has to be a researcher, it's possible to do some interesting research.