Casting for the team.... - page 8

LProgrammer >> :

The round yellow bats were not given the word.

Do you have any more questions?


>> 2-0 to me.

Don't forget to show up in the autumn, as always with new ideas

LProgrammer >> :

Sabluk, you wanted to build a dollsclan, so get ... everyone you like... Unfortunately for me such talents would be too much.

how do you want me and Sart and Balistica to do it...

You'll be kicking yourself later.

>> I'm not giving you a talented young man either.

Figar0 писал(а) >>

Why Chumak, there is neuro-programming, Programmer has his cards in his hand. You can get "dummies", and "code" the unwanted contingent...)

Don't you know that? ... How can you say that? I'm the biggest opponent of neurons around here. I can't even do neuro-programming. It's just not acceptable!

Mischek писал(а) >>


2-0 to mine.

Don't forget to show up in the fall, as always with new ideas.

How is it just 1-0 in yours in mine... :)

No questions? Too bad, I have answers for you... :)

I'll show up... I know you'll wait for me here... :)

sab1uk писал(а) >>

whatever you want, we'll hook up with Sart and Balistica.

You'll be kicking yourself later.

I won't give you the talented young man bidrio either.

It's a deal. All right, just this one... don't forget to give me the list later....

LProgrammer >> :

No questions? Too bad, I've got some answers for you... :)

Well, that's fine.

LProgrammer >> :

It's a deal. All right - just this one... don't forget to give me a list later....

What are you guys doing? It's a real slave market.

Let's think soberly - if a programmer earns stable money on forex - why not to motivate the team by salary? And if he does it voluntarily, who would want to work for somebody? And if we also mention the inadequate temperament of the programmer...

Well - a dead end.



"Command" with two "m's" - only in English, but in Russian with one.

Hello, LP. That's a bummer. I wouldn't dream of it.

Mathematician, look... I'm in the middle of a black opimization... Just started in the morning, but I'll show you this for a week.

Mischek писал(а) >>

Well, that's fine.

:) What's normal.... Ha, do you even know what you're talking about.... :)) :))


LProgrammer is beginning to resemble Saltunov, that Regulest123 :)

The latter, I hope, will not offend.