News: 5th digit in quotes - page 2


The crookedness is not yours: Point is old and everything is up,
now there will be more confusion - some DC will bring Point to the last digit in good faith,

and some will leave it and you'll get x10.


P.S. The happy times when Point corresponded to Digits are over

Korey писал(а) >>

the crookedness isn't yours:

It's probably mine... :(((

For a couple of minutes I've made up from previously written indicator, which writes in the file.

I only added a "twitch" for the difference calculated by previous Bid...

but here's my little project:

//|                                                  тики_в_файл.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2008, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                               |
#property indicator_chart_window 
int handle; 
double oldt;
int init() 
handle = FileOpen("5-спред.txt", FILE_READ| FILE_WRITE, ';');
int deinit() 
FileClose( handle); 
int start() 
int спред=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD); 
string время=TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE)+";"
+TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS); 
string пишем=Symbol()+";"+ время+";"
+DoubleToStr(Bid,Digits)+"; diff: "
+DoubleToStr(MathAbs(Bid- oldt),Digits)+"; spr: "
+ спред;   
FileSeek( handle, 0, SEEK_END); 
FileWrite( handle, пишем); 

The 5th sign is dust in the eyes of customers and trouble on their heads.

The distance from Moscow to Vladivostok is not measured in millimetres.

EURUSD;2009.01.26;01:44:32;1.29251; diff: 0.00002; spr: 38
EURUSD;2009.01.26;01:44:34;1.29305; diff: 0.00054; spr: 20

This is correct - 54, because 129305 - 129251 = 54.

P.S. Regarding the transition to five digits: yes it's all logical. I remember, one Swiss broker (duk...y) some years ago quoted the Euro with the spread 0.00018 (calling it "spread 1.8"; however, at that time it was a novelty).

Ok, let's think. What should Digits be equal to now? Of course, it must be 5. So, using the usual method and multiplying the spread of 0.00018 by 10^5, we obtain 18 points.

This is the spread that we obtain during the natural arithmetic operation of shifting the quote by Digits to obtain the number of points. But if we were to stick to our habits and keep saying "the spread of 1.8 points", we would have to shift the quote not by Digits, but by Digits-1 signs to obtain the number 1.8. That would be really inconvenient, because we would have to change the spread calculation algorithm, not some constant we were used to.


I think we have to look here for the motivation of the market makers ... As they say cuibono, without appealing to lofty considerations and fighting for the purity of the idea ?

Mathemat писал(а) >>

The correct number here is 54, because 129305 - 129251 = 54.

Indeed. Thank you!

I was sleep-deprived... >> it happens...


The 5th sign is super!

I'm looking at it and I'm really enjoying it.

and here is the purely practical and positive value of the innovation

1 - I am glad the new orders ... because the old software will go away - do not understand the 5 figures, and the orders will go

2-I am glad the accuracy of quotes is realistic to get a spread = 18 15 11 = which in the old equivalent = 1.8 1.5 1.1

is it bad... i don't remember spread = 1 (i see spreads of some people may reach 1.0 in the old dimension)

Many Western brokers quoted at 5 and 3 for a long time ...

we will have to correct those brokers who have had 2-3 points of slippage without a 5-digit re-quote

because their brokers will hate them and block them

we will have to fix all the software that doesn't understand 5 digits

It's a lot of work!

it is great that dealing companies started to do it in times of crisis!

it will just be more work - at a time when there is so little of it!


2009.01.26 23:46:10 YURAZ_SCALPER_V2_0000_1_1 EURGBP,M5: SPREDWas=0.00030000Has=0.00027000 2009.01.26 20:46:00
2009.01.26 23:46:10 YURAZ_SCALPER_V2_0000_1_1 EURGBP,M5: SPRED Had=0.00029000 Stood=0.00030000 2009.01.26 20:46:00
2009.01.26 23:46:07 YURAZ_SCALPER_V2_0000_1_1 EURGBP,M5: SPRED Used=0.00017000 Became=0.00029000 2009.01.26 20:45:58
2009.01.26 23:46:04 YURAZ_SCALPER_V2_0000_1_1 EURGBP,M5: SPRED Used=0.00019000 Became=0.00017000 2009.01.26 20:45:55
2009.01.26 23:46:04 YURAZ_SCALPER_V2_0000_1_1 EURGBP,M5: SPRED Used=0.00024000 Became=0.00019000 2009.01.26 20:45:54
2009.01.26 23:45:59 YURAZ_SCALPER_V2_0000_1_1 EURGBP,M5: SPRED Used=0.00023000 Stood=0.00024000 2009.01.26 20:45:49
2009.01.26 23:45:56 YURAZ_SCALPER_V2_0000_1_1 EURGBP,M5: SPRED Used=0.00021000 Stood=0.00023000 2009.01.26 20:45:47
2009.01.26 23:45:56 YURAZ_SCALPER_V2_0000_1_1 EURGBP,M5: SPREDH Was=0.00023000 Became=0.00021000 2009.01.26 20:45:46

great spread! 1.7 in old conversion


is anyone going to say that's a bad thing now?

2009.01.26 23:49:44 YURAZ_SCALPER_V2_0000_1_1 EURGBP,M5: SPREDWAS=0.00025000 HAD=0.00014000 2009.01.26 20:49:34


2009.01.26 23:50:50 YURAZ_SCALPER_V2_0000_1_1 EURGBP,M5: SPRED Had=0.00013000 Became=0.00026000 2009.01.26 20:50:40


And for those who trade manually, there will now be the inconvenience of constant requotes (if you open/close an order the old-fashioned way, without setting a maximum deviation from the current price).
I don't think it's a good idea either, and people I know have been asking me to re-do the expos