News: 5th digit in quotes - page 8

"'ll get a hole in the bagel, not Sharapova !"

Now the terminal will mislead the trader about profit in pips

As it was and is

0.0001 - one basic point and

0.00001 - one tenth of a basis point


It's very simple, namely in the work of your advisers.

It was 4, and now it is 5.

If "TakeProfit = 60" was, then we just need to change it and add one zero, and it became "TakeProfit = 600".

If "StopLoss=30", we changed it to "StopLoss=300".

That's it and your EAs are working and earning $100,000,000.

FXCM писал(а) >>

It's very simple, namely in the work of your advisers.

It was 4, and now it is 5.

If "TakeProfit = 60" was, then we just need to change it and add one zero, and it became "TakeProfit = 600".

If "StopLoss=30", we changed it to "StopLoss=300".

That's it and your EAs work and make $100000000000.

I did not see anything criminal in 5th digit, except increased traffic.

I have not seen anything wrong with the 5th digit except for the increase in traffic.

I have opened the demo today and was surprised to find out that one can place pendants 10 times closer to the current price. I.e. STOPLEVEL has not changed! May be it will be corrected on real account.

keekkenen писал(а) >>

was looking at the alpari terminal today... Digit shows 5, Point 0.0001...

I thought okay, so I wrote a function.

and what do you think it returns?

Here is the script:

int start()

   Print("Point: ",DoubleToStr(Point,Digits));
   Print("Digits: ",Digits);
   Print("point(): ",DoubleToStr( point(),Digits));

double point(){
   double m = 10.0;
   for (int i = 1; i < Digits; i++) m *= 10;
   return(1.0 / m);

Here's the result:

17:57:26 TEST EURUSD,M1: Point: 0.00001
17:57:26 TEST EURUSD,M1: Digits: 5
17:57:26 TEST EURUSD,M1: point(): 0.00001
Seems about right.

I have another question - I am modifying the candlestick pettern indicator, I am working with 2 DTs,

One has 5 digits in eu, the other has 4. Previously one of the doji's conditions was

as MaxAbs(C-O) <2*Point, now 2 'denominated' pips is nothing ... still a dodge,

i want to keep universality between DC and other pairs (yen vs.

Question - how do I know if one is a 'dodgem' or not when I am aiming at a certain pair (EUR)?

Valio писал(а) >>

I have another question - I am modifying the candlestick pettern indicator, I am working with 2 DTs,

One has 5 digits in eu, the other has 4. Previously one of the doji's conditions was

as MaxAbs(C-O) <2*Point, now 2 'denominated' pips is nothing ... still a dodge,

i want to keep universality between DC and other pairs (yen vs.

Question - how to ask which pip is already in denomination?

By spread.