Quantum trading system - page 19

Ais >> :

1. "Дружок", когда Вы поступали в университет имени В.И.Ульянова-Ленина в Казани, я уже имел диплом инженера полученного в Москве и и 8 летний стаж работы в Московском НИИ РадиоСвязи.

2. Якобы полученные Вами "знания" - не пошли Вам на пользу. То, что Вы написали про распространение радиоволн - бред сивой кобылы.

four2one писал(а) >>

1. "Дружок", когда Вы поступали в университет имени В.И.Ульянова-Ленина в Казани, я уже имел диплом инженера полученного в Москве и и 8 летний стаж работы в Московском НИИ РадиоСвязи.

2. Якобы полученные Вами "знания" - не пошли Вам на пользу. То, что Вы написали про распространение радиоволн - бред сивой кобылы.

Honestly, relationships can be settled elsewhere. Well, not everyone is interested. It would be better to have a substantive conversation (without getting into personalities) to prove where and where the opponent is wrong. But as it turns out all pretty unsubstantiated. Well, not everyone worked at the Radio Communications Research Institute. And most of them were educated in a different way. Let's move on to facts and evidence. All you've got so far is some childish stuff. I will not elaborate. Those who are smart will understand. And those who don't understand, then they don't have to. Just sick of it.

Vinin >> :

Honestly, relationships can be settled elsewhere. Well, not everyone is interested. It would be better to have a substantive conversation (without getting into personalities) to prove where and where the opponent is wrong. But as it turns out all pretty unsubstantiated. Well, not everyone worked at the Radio Communications Research Institute. And most of them were trained in a different way. Let's move on to facts and evidence. But so far only something childish is coming out. I will not elaborate. Those who are smart will understand. And those who don't understand, then they don't have to. I'm just bored.

1. I have already explained where my opponent was wrong:

Short radio waves are known to propagate well only in the line of sight.

The Earth's horizon is an obstacle for them.

The smart ones know that the above is a gross mistake.

2. The smart ones don't discuss the complete nonsense called "Quantum Trading System".

3. "Childish is out there" on this forum every day, there is no point in specifying.

4. Just tired of talking about how the forum has turned into a dump.

four2one писал(а) >>

1. I have already explained where my opponent went wrong:

The smart ones know that the above is a gross mistake.

2. The smart ones don't discuss the complete nonsense called"Quantum Trading System".

3. "Childish is out there" on this forum every day, there is no point in specifying.

4. Just tired of saying that the forum has turned into a dumping ground.

There used to be this hobby (long distance communication) maybe called differently. As far as I remember shortwave players managed to communicate with Africa, Latin America as well.

There are conditions for long-distance communication. It may contradict the theory, but they managed to establish communication.

Vinin >> :

It used to be a hobby (long distance communication), maybe called something else. As far back as I can remember, shortwave workers managed to communicate with Africa and Latin America.

There are conditions for long-distance communication. It may contradict the theory in some respects, but they managed to establish communication.

1. If we want to talk about radio communications, we should leave this forum, I am not interested in what you are saying. I already went through (did) this 30 years ago.

2. If we want to speak on MQL, we should leave this thread, it is nonsense, efalde.

>> If we want to make fun of it, we can stay here, it's funny.

Four, well you know that and Ais' s statement itself,

Известно, что короткие радиоволны хорошо распространяются только в зоне прямой видимости.

The earthly horizon is an obstacle for them.

and the objection from you ("The smart ones know that the above is a gross error") can be interpreted as either true or false, since neither are strict statements that can be understood unambiguously.

The trick is that you are both intelligent and educated - enough to clearly understand what additional conditions need to be added to these statements to turn them into what you want them to be (either false or true). For the non-specialist in radio communication, these nuances are unattainable. So why are you trying to prove to others what they can't understand (but both Ais and you can)?

Mathemat >>:
Four, ну ты же знаешь, что и само утверждение Ais'a,

и возражение от тебя ("Умные знают, что вышеназванное - грубейшая ошибка") можно интерпретировать как угодно - и как истину, и как ложь, т.к. ни то, ни другое не являются строгими утверждениями, которые можно понять единственным образом.

Самая фишка в том, что вы оба умны и образованны - в достаточной степени, чтобы четко понимать, какими дополнительными условиями нужно эти утверждения дополнить, чтобы превратить их в то, что вам хочется (либо в ложь, либо в истину). Для неспеца в радиосвязи эти нюансы недостижимы. Так зачем ты пытаешься доказать другим то, в чем они не разберутся (зато разбираетесь вы оба - и Ais, и ты)?

1. Dear friend, have we switched to "you"? I don't remember...

2. Of the aforementioned, on this forum, I understand that I am the only one who knows about radio communications.

3. Falsehood and truth are some concepts from Boolean algebra, shall we talk about it?

4. And most importantly - a big rant, and what did you want to say?


I bow to your mathematical knowledge, but in Boolean algebra we will talk on an equal footing.

For ultrashort waves, communication takes place within line of sight. But there are exceptions. So-called tropospheric propagation, meteor dolly wave reflection... in about '72 I had to communicate with South Africa with this kind of wave propagation by means of Morse code... the signal was "wacky"... But, really, it's not worth getting hung up on the subject... I, for one, have no interest in the complex mathematical transformations that are constantly being discussed on the forum. So, should we quarrel about it. Just because something isn't interesting doesn't mean that it can't result in something worthwhile. In the financial markets, such theories are sometimes applied... Let's be polite to each other. Settlements often result in interesting people simply leaving the forums. Who benefits from that?
four2one >> :

4. And most importantly, a big rant, and what did you mean by that?

Given your comments on this thread and your opinion of the inhabitants of this forum and the subject in general -- a veiled suggestion to end the trolling.

Radio waves, radio communication is certainly a good thing. I am a radio engineer by profession myself. But what's Forex got to do with it? You could go as far as studying sea waves and comparing them to Forex. But what's the point? Where's the money?

The eternal question - Where's the money?