Quantum trading system - page 15

creation писал(а) >>

The fact is that a person who is not competent in a particular field quite often comes up with original ideas...

And more often than not, they are full of nonsense.

An event has to be evaluated as a whole. You cannot draw conclusions to the exclusion of "inconvenient" examples. In your example, in general, incompetent "experts" who make responsible decisions will do more harm than good. Although, of course, the opposite is not excluded, but it is less likely! And betting on it is not worthwhile. That is what it is all about.

And being specific narrows down your thinking a lot... I don't mean it narrows it down, I mean it makes it narrow-minded...

... and efficient. Yes, exactly makes it more efficient, albeit to the detriment of something. The system as a whole benefits from it. It justifies the specialisation of knowledge.

So if you think the person speaks illiterate, treat him or her leniently, perhaps he or she is the one who will make an important discovery...

More like No than Yes:-)


The thread was created on the subject of using quantum physics to make a profit in the market...

And specifically physics - i.e. creating a tangible tool...

Personally, I have not tried, done research and experiments in this field (specifically the creation of a physical tool), so I DO NOT KNOW if it is real or not...

And so I have no basis to reject or confirm this hypothesis...

But I am using one of the basic ideas of quantum physics in MTS, but exactly as an idea...

The algorithmization of the idea was created independently...

And I DO NOT KNOW if the mathematical apparatus of quantum mechanics can be applied...

Haven't done any such research...

By this idea 70% in MTS are other ideas, proper method of analysis, MM, etc..

So from personal experience, I can say that some ideas from quantum physics (as mental constructs) can be used in market analysis...

And I am not an expert in this area and trust only my own experiments - tests on the market...


to creation

Attacked by analysts? - Fine)
Demanding justification kills the idea at the root,
almost the entire history of science and technology is about what the discoverer could only prove in practice, nothing more.
The average Discoverer is usually unable to justify his ideas precisely because he was the first,
= the apparatus of explanation, neither conceptual nor scientific, is yet ready.
However, we encounter a different phenomenon in trading,
- well-founded ideas do not trade off against heuristic ideas.

Korey >> :

- well-founded ideas don't trade off against heuristic ideas.

There is no other way...

Otherwise only a drain...


to creation

it's more like a letter from a grandmother who told her family

"I dug up six sacks of apples in the fall."

Korey >> :

to creation

it's more like a letter from a grandmother who told her family

"I dug up six sacks of apples in the fall."

I don't think I said anywhere that I came up with an idea...

Hence the idea is nowhere to be found...

I thought we were talking about quantum physics as applied to the market...

P. S. And no more poking...

creation писал(а) >>

The thread was created on the subject of using quantum physics to make a profit in the market...

And specifically physics - i.e. the creation of a tangible tool...

__a) Personally, I have not tried, researched or experimented in this area (namely creating a physical tool), __b) so I DO NOT KNOW if this is real or not...

And so I have no basis to reject or confirm this hypothesis...

__c) But I am using one of the basic ideas of quantum physics in MTS, __d) but precisely as an idea...

__e The algorithmisation of the idea was created independently...

And I DO NOT KNOW whether the mathematical apparatus of quantum mechanics can be applied...

Haven't done any such research...

__f) By this idea 70% in MTS are other ideas, the actual method of analysis, MM etc.

So from personal experience, I can say that some ideas from quantum physics (as mental constructs) can be used in market analysis...

And I am not an expert in this area and trust my experiments - tests on the market exclusively...

(abcd markup is my -AP)

a+b != c+d+e+f

It follows that "poking" you is dangerous,
- I won't get in the way of your network marketing.


Пример 5.

Известно, что короткие радиоволны хорошо распространяются только в зоне прямой видимости.

Земной горизонт является для них препятствием.

С другой стороны, известно, что иногда удается установить коротковолновую радиосвязь на расстояниях тысячи и десятки тысяч километров.

Исследования показали, что в атмосфере возникают электронные облака протяженностью от сотен метров до сотен километров.

Их время жизни составляет минуты, часы, и даже сутки.

При этом они могут передвигаться.

Они возникают спонтанно, предсказать их появление очень трудно.

Обнаруживать и изучать их можно только с использованием специального оборудования.

Их называют "спорадические слои E".

Отражения радиоволн от этих слоев и земной поверхности объясняют случаи дальней коротковолновой радиосвязи.


Ценовые тайм-серии многих валютных пар имеют похожие явления.

Помимо глобальных уровней поддержки-сопротивления внутри дня появляются и исчезают краткосрочные уровни, время жизни которых заметно превышает время перехода между ними.

По моему мнению, предсказывать и находить их трудно, но все же можно.

С другой стороны, знание текущих торговых уровней является серьезным преимуществом любой торговой стратегии.

Лично для меня требуются дополнительные исследования и программные разработки в этой области, но я уверен, что они окажутся ценными.

It would be interesting to combine two approaches: 1. André Duc in his "General Theory of Evolution" a quantum approach to the analysis of phenomena in the world around us 2. Sokolov in his "General Theory of the Cycle" a wave approach. Both approaches are quite well logically justified.

Совмещение подходов подразумевается, так как:

1. квантовый подход позволяет надежно выявлять торговые уровни, но данные о времени и направлении переходов при этом имеют меньшую надежность;

2. динамические подходы хорошо определяют начало и направления движений, но выявление уровней при этом затруднено.

Для наблюдения за динамикой особое внимание следует обратить на кратчайшие таймфреймы, вплоть до тиковых паттернов.