EA N7S_AO_772012 - page 63



Give me a history for GBPUSD, EURUSD, GBPJPY and EURGBP - M5 from 1.01.2009?

Preferably for Alpari and SystemForex (if SystemForex is not available, then for 4 digits).

I will not have time to optimize myself till tomorrow.

Vovanych писал(а) >>


Give me a history for GBPUSD, EURUSD, GBPJPY and EURGBP - M5 from 1.01.2009?

Preferably for Alpari and SystemForex (if SystemForex is not available, then for 4 digits).

I will not have time to optimize myself until tomorrow.

Don't panic! We will deal with it now. Who in the garden, I personally went for a walk in Peter. I have no time for anything, I will put the sets from last week.

And it's better to make quotes from M1 and there, where you will gather the profit.

SHOOTER777 писал(а) >>

Wait till you panic! We'll get to the bottom of this. Who's in the beds, I personally went for a walk in Peter. Nothing of course I have no time for, I will put the sets from last week.

I have a good chance to use quotes from M1 and there where you will be collecting profits.

It looks like brokerage companies do not provide their clients with quotes history.

I download them through my terminal only from 28.05.2009.

Here's everything from around the end of January
SHOOTER777 писал(а) >>
Here's everything from around the end of January


is it not attached?
SHOOTER777 писал(а) >>
no attachments?

I can't see the attachments

trying one at a time
eurgbp1.rar  1159 kb

Oh, now it's okay.

You can archive everything in one rar.

here, I get it, the file is no more than 4 metres
forex.rar  3527 kb